CirBind – Circular binder applications
ISPT's Cirbind project scales up the Plantics-GX bioresin production process to generate safe, strong & high impact circular binder applications.

HF2N – High Flux 2D Nanosheet membranes
High Flux 2D Nanosheet membranes to demonstrate and validate the high potential of a new class of inorganic high flux 2D Nanosheet membranes on a practical scale

RFS2 – Radio Frequent Sterilization 2
The project Radio Frequent Sterizilation 2 (RFS2) is focused on the development of RF in-pack sterilization of foods. The project is a continuation of the JIP-project Radio Frequent Sterilization (RFS)...

Scissors – Super Critical Industrial Solution for Suspended Organic Residual Streams
Scissors researches the processing of specific wet waste streams through the potential of super critical water (SCW) technology.

Measurements 4 Management
The aim of Measurement for Management (M4M) is to develop operational predictive technologies that (1) are transparent and include all available process information, (2) provide predictions of Key Performance Indicators...

CRUISE – Cost Reduction Industrial Heatpumps
CRUISE project aims to develop 50% less expensive heat pump technology that generates heat in an economically feasible way

ReCoVR – Recovery and Circularity of Valuable Resources
ReCoVR designs and develops novel functional materials and technologies to selectively recover high-value molecules.

Next Level Solid Oxide Electrolysis
Solid Oxide Electrolysis is a technology with great potential for large-scale green hydrogen production by water electrolysis. This project explores the upscaling potential of SOEC.

InReP – An Integrated approach towards Recycling of Plastics
Recycling plastics is one of the biggest challenges the industry is facing today. This projects aims to overcome current challenges.

IMPROVISE – Improved process operation via rigorous simulation models
Improved daily operations of important chemical processes in the Dutch chemical industry through operation technology based on detailed physical models. Incentive Being able to anticipate what a chemical process is...

PoSiMem – Periodic organosilica nanofiltration membranes
This project aims to develop robust, reproducible and easy to scale-up approaches for the production of novel nanofiltration (NF) membranes.

DC-DC converters – Green GW Hydrogen Plant
In this project we investigate DC-DC connections for large-scale green hydrogen plants to address space constraints, reduce investment costs (up to 25%), and mitigate significant electricity losses compared to traditional...

Renewable Building Blocks from Complex and wet waste Streams (ReBBloCS)
The ReBBloCS project aims to develop new circular value chains for the valorisation of complex and mixed waste streams into valuable chemical products.

PINcHED – Process INtegrated HEat pump Drying
This project creates greenfield conceptual design packages for contact and convective drying of a full scale. In addition, it focuses on establishing a fully heat pump integrated drying process, including...

RFS – Radio Frequent Sterilization
Heating with Radio Frequent Sterilization (RFS) has large advantages for the product quality.

COMPACT – Pulsed Compression II
The goal of this project was to produce ethylene from methane using pulsed compression technology and to determine the feasibility for industrial applications.

HyChain – Energy Carriers and Hydrogen Supply Chain
The HyChain project is focused on a strategic understanding of the drivers behind global emergence of future renewable hydrogen value chains.

Amazing – Additive Manufacturing for Zero-Emission Innovative Green Chemistry
Amazing is about replacing large-scale high-temperature cracking processes with electrically driven thermocatalytic dehydrogenation.

FlexPower: Accelerating industrial electrification for a CO2-neutral future
Industrial electrification is key to achieving the Netherlands’ goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 60% by 2030 and becoming climate-neutral by 2050. The FlexPower project focuses on flexible and efficient...

e-Missi0n MOOI
e-Missi0n aims to develop 2 technological routes for the emission free production of low-carbon olefins.

StAgglop: Reducing energy use and material loss by better control of agglomeration during spray drying
Project stAgglop aims to improve agglomeration control to contribute to the reduction of emissions for industrial drying systems.

FUSE – FUll ScalE Industrial Heat Pump Using Natural Refrigerants
Supporting the development and success of an industrial heat pump market through the develeopment of a standardized, modular, flexible compression heat pump technology. Incentive High temperature industrial heat pumps are...

Fine Biofuels
In the Netherlands there is a total quantity of 1 million tons of roadside grass which must be mowed at least twice a year to keep the roadside banks safe....

FreezeCon – Freeze Concentration
Saving energy, improving product quality with freeze concentration as economically feasible bulk dewatering technology. Background Several technologies are available for liquid concentration in the food industry, the most common being...