
R-ACES – FRamework for Actual Cooperation on Energy on Sites and Parks

R-ACES is an international project promoted by 8 partners, from 6 European countries. Each country, has a vision to support high-potential industry parks and clusters to become fully fledged ecoregions. R-ACES means a step-change in the contribution of European industry to the climate targets of the EU. The goal is to reduce emissions at the ecoregions by at least 10%.

After all, the industry sector represents 25% of all energy demand – and 50% of the total cooling and heating demand on the continent. Yet, only 16% comes from renewables. Concluding, that by focusing on collective measures and clustering, we can drastically increase the efficiency of industry.

Our vision

Therefore, the vision of R-ACES is to support high-potential industrial parks and clusters to become ecoregions. There, we aim to achieve CO2 emissions reduction of at least 10%. For example by exchanging surplus energy and making extensive use of renewables. Finally, we can bring everything together with so-called smart energy management systems.


An ecoregion is an area where energy, material and information exchanges occur between various companies and actors to reduce waste and energy/ material consumption. Each region is centered on an (eco-)industrial park or (eco-)business park. They are linked to its surroundings by a 4th/5th generation district heating/cooling network. The project condenses the knowledge and experience gathered throughout H2020 into a set of three focused tools embedded in selected support actions.

R-ACES Ecoregions

R-ACES has set-up 3 pilot cases to test the tools designed by the project in a realistic environment. We have developed these tools for industrial actors and other stakeholders. Currently, the pilots take place in Antwerp, Nyborg and Lombardy.

A validation manual will be created for the adoption of additional 7 high-priority regions in Italy, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands. This will add up to 10 ecoregions. We aim to reach another 80 ecoregions through dissemination activities.

The pilot ecoregions are located in Antwerp, Nyborg and Lombardy

Three practical tools

R-ACES develops three practical tools to support the entire process of organising an ecoregion and the collaboration inside of it. As of right now, the 3 practical tools are the structuring element of the project. The tools incorporate existing knowledge. They are created conform the needs of stakeholders. And are presented in industrial clusters to support them during the implementation of their energy collaboration.

Self Assessment Tool

The self assessment tool consists in an assessment framework that covers multiple themes. Namely, providing best practices, check lists and means to scan energy reduction potentials.

Energy Management Platform

This ICT-tool makes energy flows transparent. Moreover, it allows energy consumption & production to be allocated to specific installations, stakeholders & nodes, and identifies anomalies & opportunities.

Legal Decision Support Tool

Additionally, we have a Legal Decision Support Tool. This is a practical and simple-to-use tool for management to decide on the required framework for energy cooperation.

Do you want to know more about R-ACES?

The R-ACES project is an answer to the call EE-6-2019 Business case for industrial waste heat/cold recovery. It aims to pave the road for effective energy exchange in industrial clusters across Europe.

More information is available on the dedicated website of R-ACES, our LinkedIn page and Twitter.

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Acknowledgement & partners

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 892429