IMPACCT – Improved process performance by process intensification in centrifugal contactors
Centrifugal contactors, such as RPBs, could provide significant improvement of separation processes in the chemical industry. This technology seems potentially suitable for replacing or debottlenecking current unit operations which suffer...
ELSA – Electrically Switchable Affinity Separation Processes
Exploring the advantages of Electrically Switchable Adsorption (ELSA) membranes in the industrial separation process.
ENCORE – nExt geNeration COmpRession hEat pump
This project demonstrates the enhancement of compression heat pump performance by using a pilot scale test unit.
SiC – Silicon Carbide membranes for innovative oil-in-water separations
This project investigates the behavior of silicon carbide membranes in pilot trials. These determine fouling, cleaning options, cleaning frequency and the consequences for the long term performance and economics. Test...
EBI – Engineering Business Intelligence
The EBI project uses data collection, data analytics and data visualization to reduce energy usage in existing processes by 5-25%.
AIDA – Accelerate the Integration of Digitalisation Acceptation
The AIDA project performs research towards predictive capabilities and integration of digital technologies at the various levels of individual processes.
INSPEC – Integrating sensor based process monitoring and advanced process control
INSPEC quantitatively integrates information from state-of-the-art Process Analytical Technology, process measurements and dynamic process models (data driven or physics-based) into Advanced Process Control. This will induce a step-change with respect to...
Smart Maintenance Skillslab
In a Smart Maintenance Skillslab industry and educational institutions can collaborate on new forms of education to solve shortage on the labor market.
Probiotics – Low energy living bacterial food formulations
Research towards a novel and generic strategy for probiotics in low energy living bacterial food formulations
COSMOS – Organic solvent nanofiltration membranes on low cost ceramic supports
The COSMOS-project found that membrane technology has the potential to replace or supplement current inefficient distillation processes.
CALMEM – Ceramic atomic layer deposited Nanofiltration membranes for separation of challenging industrial streams
Calmem concerns nano manufactured ceramic membranes that can supersede distillation columns for energy saving in the Netherlands.
Fingerprint 2 Footprint
Fingerprint 2 Footprint translates chemical fingerprint measurements inside and near chemical processes to reduce environmental footprints, while retaining or improving process economy and consistency.
MilDeWat – Breakthrough Mild Dewatering Technologies
This project will enhance the implementation of mild (energy extensive) dewatering technologies to contribute to industry's energy reduction goals.
BEAP – Bundled Early Adaptor Project
BEAP helps SMEs make contact with industries, localize and develop their technologies to suite the specific needs of Dutch industrial partners.
Goal of this project is to develop a library of complementary techniques for concentrating brines beyond reverse osmosis.
EAMS – Energy efficient Affinity-driven Molecular Separation
The aim of the EAMS project is to: Application New or improved affinity separation options for selected cases: extractive distillation and (reactive) liquid-liquid extraction.
DRAGONS Egg – Increasing energy efficiency by steering DRoplet AGglomeratiON in Spray dryers
The DRAGONS Egg-project aims to unravel the dynamics of atomisation behaviour in drying and agglomeration of the droplet.
Measurements 4 Management
The aim of Measurement for Management (M4M) is to develop operational predictive technologies that (1) are transparent and include all available process information, (2) provide predictions of Key Performance Indicators...
DC-DC converters – Green GW Hydrogen Plant
In this project we investigate DC-DC connections for large-scale green hydrogen plants to address space constraints, reduce investment costs (up to 25%), and mitigate significant electricity losses compared to traditional...
Amazing – Additive Manufacturing for Zero-Emission Innovative Green Chemistry
Amazing is about replacing large-scale high-temperature cracking processes with electrically driven thermocatalytic dehydrogenation.
CirBind – Circular binder applications
ISPT's Cirbind project scales up the Plantics-GX bioresin production process to generate safe, strong & high impact circular binder applications.
Plasma Conversions
Industrial ammonia production is energy intensive and has a huge footprint. A plasma integrated water electrolyser provides an ecologically clean alternative process to Haber-Bosch.
Ammonia Pipeline Safety
The Clean Ammonia Platform is doing a study on safety design and risk impact of ammonia pipelines to explore ways to safely transport large volumes of ammonia by pipeline in...
ECWRTI – Electrocoagulation for Water Recycling in Textile Industry
The ECWRTI project is about closing the waterloop in the textile industry.