ReCoVR – Recovery and Circularity of Valuable Resources
ReCoVR designs and develops novel functional materials and technologies to selectively recover high-value molecules.
Carbon Transition Model
The Carbon Transition Model is a simulation model to explore ways to reduce emissions and increase carbon circularity.
IMPROVISE – Improved process operation via rigorous simulation models
Improved daily operations of important chemical processes in the Dutch chemical industry through operation technology based on detailed physical models. Incentive Being able to anticipate what a chemical process is...
E3C – Electrons to Close the Carbon Cycle
Development and evaluation of tubular and flat porous electrodes for the electrochemical conversion of gasses at ambient temperature. Motivation Renewable electricity (RE) generation is currently growing at a rapid pace....
Scissors – Super Critical Industrial Solution for Suspended Organic Residual Streams
Scissors researches the processing of specific wet waste streams through the potential of super critical water (SCW) technology.
ReSolve – Re-use of industrial solvent process streams
Ceramic organic solvent nanofiltration membranes with small pore sizes and high throughputs, as compared to polymeric membranes, will be developed by a novel technology.
FreezeCon – Freeze Concentration
Saving energy, improving product quality with freeze concentration as economically feasible bulk dewatering technology. Background Several technologies are available for liquid concentration in the food industry, the most common being...
EBI – Engineering Business Intelligence
The EBI project uses data collection, data analytics and data visualization to reduce energy usage in existing processes by 5-25%.
SiC – Silicon Carbide membranes for innovative oil-in-water separations
This project investigates the behavior of silicon carbide membranes in pilot trials. These determine fouling, cleaning options, cleaning frequency and the consequences for the long term performance and economics. Test...
COSMOS – Organic solvent nanofiltration membranes on low cost ceramic supports
The COSMOS-project found that membrane technology has the potential to replace or supplement current inefficient distillation processes.
Aramids hold untapped potential in the journey towards sustainability. We can transform these once-disposed materials into a circular value chain, reducing waste, and striving for CO2 neutrality.
W2T – Waste2Taste
Waste to Taste is a project about closing the circle in food waste streams using vegetable waste for the production of fully natural food ingredients.
CMF – Controlling Multiphase Flow
This Industrial Partnership Programme aims at understanding the rheology of complex emulsions and their stability under flow. While there is much empirical knowledge about emulsion rheology and stability, the microscopic...
EAMS – Energy efficient Affinity-driven Molecular Separation
The aim of the EAMS project is to: Application New or improved affinity separation options for selected cases: extractive distillation and (reactive) liquid-liquid extraction.
Steam and condensate quality
This project focuses on requiering better insights into the distribution and behaviour of conditioning chemicals that is used in their steam-water cycles and condensate polishing. Process industries strive for more...
ENCORE – nExt geNeration COmpRession hEat pump
This project demonstrates the enhancement of compression heat pump performance by using a pilot scale test unit.
VERA – Accelerating Energy Transition Realization Approach
The Vera project aims to further develop and implement industrial heat pumps in the Netherlands.
The ZERO BRINE project combines technologies to recover products of high quality and sufficient purity from brine.