Mild Fractionation for Food
Mild Fractionation for Food explores the extraction of valuable components and proteins, focusing on material efficiency and economics.

Circular Plastics
As a society, we need to rethink plastic. It is far too valuable to be treated as waste. And it can serve as the feedstock for circularity.

Tekenkamer van de Industrie
The Tekenkamer van de Industrie provides fact-based models and tools to explore these choices and make better investments for the future.

Long Term Program
LTP is a unique programme within the Netherlands, as it develops the process technology for 2050.

This platform supports agro-food, paper, chemical, horticultural and food sector in reducing CO2.

Circular Carbon
How do we transform carbon from single to circular use without CO2 emissions, at low cost and on an industrial scale?

In Groningen, ISPT is shaping the agricultural landscape: a circular system that brings sustainability, nature, healthy food and positive economic impact together. This program is called Fascinating.

Electric Cracking
Electric Cracking is the most future-proof solution to reduce CO2-emissions and meet climate targets for the chemical industry.

Hydrohub Innovation
This program is all about largescale, electrolysis-based production of sustainable and low-cost hydrogen.

Clean Ammonia
In this program we bring together stakeholders to address these questions and form a future landscape for clean ammonia.

Separations for Circularity
Seperations for Circularity aims to accelerate innovative technologies for the separation and treatment of fluids.

Digitalisation, computing and artificial intelligence, also called Industry 4.0, can lead to efficient use of energy and resources in industrial plants.

Deep Eutectic Solvents
Deep Eutectic Solvents are a nature-based, renewable, biodegradable and low-volatile pulping technology.

Drying and Dewatering
Innovations in drying and dewatering play a key role when it comes to reducing energy use and CO2 emissions in the Dutch industry.