StAgglop: Reducing energy use and material loss by better control of agglomeration during spray drying
Project stAgglop aims to improve agglomeration control to contribute to the reduction of emissions for industrial drying systems.

Demonstration Polymer Heat Exchanger
The goal of this project is to demonstrate the innovative technologies as developed by HeatMatrix in the industrial process in the BioMCN factories. On the one hand this would result...

CRUISE – Cost Reduction Industrial Heatpumps
CRUISE project aims to develop 50% less expensive heat pump technology that generates heat in an economically feasible way

PINcHED – Process INtegrated HEat pump Drying
This project creates greenfield conceptual design packages for contact and convective drying of a full scale. In addition, it focuses on establishing a fully heat pump integrated drying process, including...

Steam and condensate quality
This project focuses on requiering better insights into the distribution and behaviour of conditioning chemicals that is used in their steam-water cycles and condensate polishing. Process industries strive for more...

The Heat Is On
The Heat is On aims to make processes for dewatering, drying and heat integration more efficient.

FUSE – FUll ScalE Industrial Heat Pump Using Natural Refrigerants
Supporting the development and success of an industrial heat pump market through the develeopment of a standardized, modular, flexible compression heat pump technology. Incentive High temperature industrial heat pumps are...

ENCORE – nExt geNeration COmpRession hEat pump
This project demonstrates the enhancement of compression heat pump performance by using a pilot scale test unit.

Flexible Efficient Electrification of Industrial Heat Cases
This project will develop innovative process designs solving the efficient flexible electrification challenge.

LESSON – Oil free compressor for ammonia based high temperature heat pumps
Wet compression allows for close to isothermal conditions during compression resulting in higher compression isentropic efficiencies. It further prevents operation in the superheating zone of the working fluids of heat...

COMTA – COMpact modular Thermo Acoustic heat pump
To further develop the compact electrically driven thermoacoustic heat (TA) pump technology and to prepare for technical demonstration on full scale. The industry is a large consumer of energy and...

VERA – Accelerating Energy Transition Realization Approach
The Vera project aims to further develop and implement industrial heat pumps in the Netherlands.

COMPRESORP focuses on upgrading low temperature waste water streams of separation processes with compression resorption heat pumps.

R-ACES – FRamework for Actual Cooperation on Energy on Sites and Parks
R-ACES aims to turn high-potential, high-impact industrial clusters into eco-regions with at least 10% reduction in emissions in smart energy.

FLEXSTEAM – Development of heat storage for industrial steam
The FLEXSTEAM project aims to improve the way we can store and re-use thermal energy by using so called ‘Phase Changing Materials’ (PCMs). To achieve a fully circular economy we...

SPOT: Sustainable PrOcess heaTing
SPOT (Sustainable PrOcess) aims to reduce the use of fossil energy use for industrial heat with at least 100 PJ/year in 2030.