HyChain – Energy Carriers and Hydrogen Supply Chain
The HyChain project is focused on a strategic understanding of the drivers behind global emergence of future renewable hydrogen value chains.

Hydrohub GigaWatt Scale Electrolyser
We are an important step further towards a Dutch hydrogen economy: the design for an advanced green hydrogen plant at large scale.

Next Level Solid Oxide Electrolysis
Solid Oxide Electrolysis is a technology with great potential for large-scale green hydrogen production by water electrolysis. This project explores the upscaling potential of SOEC.

Ammonia Pipeline Safety
The Clean Ammonia Platform is doing a study on safety design and risk impact of ammonia pipelines to explore ways to safely transport large volumes of ammonia by pipeline in...

H2-Safety2 – Safety Standardisation of Green Hydrogen Electrolyser Systems
This hydrogen safety project aims to develop recommendations for standardisation, meeting process safety requirements for large scale water electrolysis. This is an important step to enable a safe, integrated hydrogen-based...

Hydrohub MegaWatt Test Center
This project covers the design, realization and exploration of the Hydrohub MegaWatt Test Center at the Zernike Campus in Groningen.

DC-DC converters – Green GW Hydrogen Plant
In this project we investigate DC-DC connections for large-scale green hydrogen plants to address space constraints, reduce investment costs (up to 25%), and mitigate significant electricity losses compared to traditional...

GAMBA – Green Alloys Modelling Better Approaches
The GAMBA project seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of the iron and steel industry by transitioning from natural gas to hydrogen-based direct reduction (DRI) processes.

HyScaling – Making better electrolyzers in a better way
HyScaling aims to scale electrolysis capacity up to 5GW by 2030 so the Netherlands can play a key role in the global green hydrogen economy.

ADVANCED PROCESS CONTROL for dynamic operation of a large-scale test electrolyser
In this project we will researching and modelling the impact of variable operation on large-scale test electrolyser performance in green hydrogen.

Green Hydrogen Inherent Safety Practices on Large Industrial Scale
This project will develop a uniform safety approach and increase awareness of safety for industrial scale electrolysis plants.