EEMS – Energy Efficient Milky Sprays
Spray drying is a very energy intensive process. EEMS is about energy efficient drying which can lead to 20% energy reduction.

Next Level Solid Oxide Electrolysis
Solid Oxide Electrolysis is a technology with great potential for large-scale green hydrogen production by water electrolysis. This project explores the upscaling potential of SOEC.

H2-Safety2 – Safety Standardisation of Green Hydrogen Electrolyser Systems
This hydrogen safety project aims to develop recommendations for standardisation, meeting process safety requirements for large scale water electrolysis. This is an important step to enable a safe, integrated hydrogen-based...

MPPS – Multipurpose Plastic Sorting
This project focuses on radically innovating the way we address mechanical sorting of plastic waste.

Sussic – Sustainable treatment of industrial streams
In the Sussic project, atomic layer deposition (ALD) will be used for the development of SiC NF membranes, allowing treatment of challenging industrial streams.

The Heat Is On
The Heat is On aims to make processes for dewatering, drying and heat integration more efficient.

SPOT: Sustainable PrOcess heaTing
SPOT (Sustainable PrOcess) aims to reduce the use of fossil energy use for industrial heat with at least 100 PJ/year in 2030.

COMPRESORP focuses on upgrading low temperature waste water streams of separation processes with compression resorption heat pumps.

RFS – Radio Frequent Sterilization
Heating with Radio Frequent Sterilization (RFS) has large advantages for the product quality.

ECWRTI – Electrocoagulation for Water Recycling in Textile Industry
The ECWRTI project is about closing the waterloop in the textile industry.

Engender: Compact Energy Efficient Dryer
Engender works on an energy efficient drying method of foods. Expected energy savings are estimated up to 30%.

BEAP – Bundled Early Adaptor Project
BEAP helps SMEs make contact with industries, localize and develop their technologies to suite the specific needs of Dutch industrial partners.

FLEXSTEAM – Development of heat storage for industrial steam
The FLEXSTEAM project aims to improve the way we can store and re-use thermal energy by using so called ‘Phase Changing Materials’ (PCMs). To achieve a fully circular economy we...

PRIDES: Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Paper Industry
The European project cluster aims to approach 80% CO2 emission reduction in the lignocellulose processing chain.

Measurements 4 Management
The aim of Measurement for Management (M4M) is to develop operational predictive technologies that (1) are transparent and include all available process information, (2) provide predictions of Key Performance Indicators...

Flexible Efficient Electrification of Industrial Heat Cases
This project will develop innovative process designs solving the efficient flexible electrification challenge.

FUSE – FUll ScalE Industrial Heat Pump Using Natural Refrigerants
Supporting the development and success of an industrial heat pump market through the develeopment of a standardized, modular, flexible compression heat pump technology. Incentive High temperature industrial heat pumps are...

VERA – Accelerating Energy Transition Realization Approach
The Vera project aims to further develop and implement industrial heat pumps in the Netherlands.

C2V – Carbon2Value
Innovative CO2 separation technology aims to reduce emissions in steel industry. This project revolves around an innovative technology with the potential to reduce CO2 emissions across the major energy intensive...

DISCO – Downstream ISolation of high-value COmponents
The Downstream ISolation of high-value Components (DISCO) aims to lower the material use and increase the energy-efficiency.

COSMOS – Organic solvent nanofiltration membranes on low cost ceramic supports
The COSMOS-project found that membrane technology has the potential to replace or supplement current inefficient distillation processes.

Renewable Building Blocks from Complex and wet waste Streams (ReBBloCS)
The ReBBloCS project aims to develop new circular value chains for the valorisation of complex and mixed waste streams into valuable chemical products.

Hydrohub GigaWatt Scale Electrolyser
We are an important step further towards a Dutch hydrogen economy: the design for an advanced green hydrogen plant at large scale.

ReSolve – Re-use of industrial solvent process streams
Ceramic organic solvent nanofiltration membranes with small pore sizes and high throughputs, as compared to polymeric membranes, will be developed by a novel technology.