Carbon Transition Model
The Carbon Transition Model is a simulation model to explore ways to reduce emissions and increase carbon circularity.

Single Droplet Modelling
Multicomponent analysis of single droplet spray drying techniques and PhD research for the drying and dewatering program of ISPT.

IMPROVISE – Improved process operation via rigorous simulation models
Improved daily operations of important chemical processes in the Dutch chemical industry through operation technology based on detailed physical models. Incentive Being able to anticipate what a chemical process is...

PoSiMem – Periodic organosilica nanofiltration membranes
This project aims to develop robust, reproducible and easy to scale-up approaches for the production of novel nanofiltration (NF) membranes.

IMPACCT – Improved process performance by process intensification in centrifugal contactors
Centrifugal contactors, such as RPBs, could provide significant improvement of separation processes in the chemical industry. This technology seems potentially suitable for replacing or debottlenecking current unit operations which suffer...

ReCoVR – Recovery and Circularity of Valuable Resources
ReCoVR designs and develops novel functional materials and technologies to selectively recover high-value molecules.

Hydrohub MegaWatt Test Center
This project covers the design, realization and exploration of the Hydrohub MegaWatt Test Center at the Zernike Campus in Groningen.

MPPS – Multipurpose Plastic Sorting
This project focuses on radically innovating the way we address mechanical sorting of plastic waste.

EPRoTrans – Energy reduction technologies enabling PRotein Transition
Project Energy Efficient Protein Transition (EProTrans) investigates the processing of several mixed plant-based streams to produce plant-based proteins.

HyChain – Energy Carriers and Hydrogen Supply Chain
The HyChain project is focused on a strategic understanding of the drivers behind global emergence of future renewable hydrogen value chains.

EBI – Engineering Business Intelligence
The EBI project uses data collection, data analytics and data visualization to reduce energy usage in existing processes by 5-25%.

C2V – Carbon2Value
Innovative CO2 separation technology aims to reduce emissions in steel industry. This project revolves around an innovative technology with the potential to reduce CO2 emissions across the major energy intensive...

Amazing – Additive Manufacturing for Zero-Emission Innovative Green Chemistry
Amazing is about replacing large-scale high-temperature cracking processes with electrically driven thermocatalytic dehydrogenation.

RiConfigure is about involving a diverse group of actors in society’s innovation team.

StAgglop: Reducing energy use and material loss by better control of agglomeration during spray drying
Project stAgglop aims to improve agglomeration control to contribute to the reduction of emissions for industrial drying systems.

InReP – An Integrated approach towards Recycling of Plastics
Recycling plastics is one of the biggest challenges the industry is facing today. This projects aims to overcome current challenges.

W2T – Waste2Taste
Waste to Taste is a project about closing the circle in food waste streams using vegetable waste for the production of fully natural food ingredients.

HF2N – High Flux 2D Nanosheet membranes
High Flux 2D Nanosheet membranes to demonstrate and validate the high potential of a new class of inorganic high flux 2D Nanosheet membranes on a practical scale

Renewable Building Blocks from Complex and wet waste Streams (ReBBloCS)
The ReBBloCS project aims to develop new circular value chains for the valorisation of complex and mixed waste streams into valuable chemical products.

CirBind – Circular binder applications
ISPT's Cirbind project scales up the Plantics-GX bioresin production process to generate safe, strong & high impact circular binder applications.