COLFILM – Collapsing Films in Emulsions
In this project computer simulations are used to reveal the impact of a crucial underlying phenomenon: little waves on the surface of droplets that can suddenly grow and thus accelerate...
WeCare – We Create Awareness & Reduce Energy
The WeCARE project demonstrated the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence technology of EnergQ at a selected number of end users. EnerGQ’s self-learning energy management technology unveiled the excessive energy consumption and with that...
ENCORE – nExt geNeration COmpRession hEat pump
This project demonstrates the enhancement of compression heat pump performance by using a pilot scale test unit.
Plasma Conversions
Industrial ammonia production is energy intensive and has a huge footprint. A plasma integrated water electrolyser provides an ecologically clean alternative process to Haber-Bosch.
ReSolve – Re-use of industrial solvent process streams
Ceramic organic solvent nanofiltration membranes with small pore sizes and high throughputs, as compared to polymeric membranes, will be developed by a novel technology.
Single Droplet Modelling
Multicomponent analysis of single droplet spray drying techniques and PhD research for the drying and dewatering program of ISPT.
StAgglop: Reducing energy use and material loss by better control of agglomeration during spray drying
Project stAgglop aims to improve agglomeration control to contribute to the reduction of emissions for industrial drying systems.
AIDA – Accelerate the Integration of Digitalisation Acceptation
The AIDA project performs research towards predictive capabilities and integration of digital technologies at the various levels of individual processes.
LEMPLAR – Losses & Emissions in Plastic Recycling
The plastic recycling process today has losses and emissions, such as microplastics, inks and incorrectly sorted plastics. This prevents us of closing the plastic cycle.
EBI – Engineering Business Intelligence
The EBI project uses data collection, data analytics and data visualization to reduce energy usage in existing processes by 5-25%.
Towards improved circularity of polyolefin-based packaging
This project aims at improved circularity of polyolefin-based packaging materials through overcoming technological hurdles.
e-Missi0n MOOI
e-Missi0n aims to develop 2 technological routes for the emission free production of low-carbon olefins.
Flexible Efficient Electrification of Industrial Heat Cases
This project will develop innovative process designs solving the efficient flexible electrification challenge.
FLEXSTEAM – Development of heat storage for industrial steam
The FLEXSTEAM project aims to improve the way we can store and re-use thermal energy by using so called ‘Phase Changing Materials’ (PCMs). To achieve a fully circular economy we...
Steam and condensate quality
This project focuses on requiering better insights into the distribution and behaviour of conditioning chemicals that is used in their steam-water cycles and condensate polishing. Process industries strive for more...
The Heat Is On
The Heat is On aims to make processes for dewatering, drying and heat integration more efficient.
DC-DC converters – Green GW Hydrogen Plant
In this project we investigate DC-DC connections for large-scale green hydrogen plants to address space constraints, reduce investment costs (up to 25%), and mitigate significant electricity losses compared to traditional...
ELSA – Electrically Switchable Affinity Separation Processes
Exploring the advantages of Electrically Switchable Adsorption (ELSA) membranes in the industrial separation process.
FOMM – Forward Osmosis Membrane and Module development
Forward osmosis (FO) is a technology recently developed on academic level, with very few example applications in the market, despite its strong benefits. FO is an energy efficient and effective...
DRAGONS Egg – Increasing energy efficiency by steering DRoplet AGglomeratiON in Spray dryers
The DRAGONS Egg-project aims to unravel the dynamics of atomisation behaviour in drying and agglomeration of the droplet.
Goal of this project is to develop a library of complementary techniques for concentrating brines beyond reverse osmosis.
Scissors – Super Critical Industrial Solution for Suspended Organic Residual Streams
Scissors researches the processing of specific wet waste streams through the potential of super critical water (SCW) technology.
R-ACES – FRamework for Actual Cooperation on Energy on Sites and Parks
R-ACES aims to turn high-potential, high-impact industrial clusters into eco-regions with at least 10% reduction in emissions in smart energy.
MPPS – Multipurpose Plastic Sorting
This project focuses on radically innovating the way we address mechanical sorting of plastic waste.