Smart Maintenance Skillslab
In a Smart Maintenance Skillslab industry and educational institutions can collaborate on new forms of education to solve shortage on the labor market.
ISRO – Implementation of Solvent Recovery in edible Oil
The ISRO project delivers a proof-of-principle of organic solvent nanofiltration-based solvent recovery for two cases. The first case is an integration of OSN with the current distillation process at IOI...
EBI – Engineering Business Intelligence
The EBI project uses data collection, data analytics and data visualization to reduce energy usage in existing processes by 5-25%.
CRUISE – Cost Reduction Industrial Heatpumps
CRUISE project aims to develop 50% less expensive heat pump technology that generates heat in an economically feasible way
Engender: Compact Energy Efficient Dryer
Engender works on an energy efficient drying method of foods. Expected energy savings are estimated up to 30%.
ReSolve – Re-use of industrial solvent process streams
Ceramic organic solvent nanofiltration membranes with small pore sizes and high throughputs, as compared to polymeric membranes, will be developed by a novel technology.
FOMM – Forward Osmosis Membrane and Module development
Forward osmosis (FO) is a technology recently developed on academic level, with very few example applications in the market, despite its strong benefits. FO is an energy efficient and effective...
Cell-U-Value developed and utilized the capabilities of tertiary cellulose as a feedstock for biobased and sustainable chemicals to its fullest potential.
Methanol, the LOGIC Choice!
The LOGIC project scales-up the Liquid-Out Gas-In Concept reactor for methanol synthesis from CO2 and sustainable hydrogen.
Recircanol: Circular recovery of ethanol from alkaline-ethanol media at high pH using membrane technology
This project develops nanofiltration membranes and membrane modules for alkaline-alcohol media at high pH for the purification of ethanol and caustic.
Fingerprint 2 Footprint
Fingerprint 2 Footprint translates chemical fingerprint measurements inside and near chemical processes to reduce environmental footprints, while retaining or improving process economy and consistency.
COSMOS – Organic solvent nanofiltration membranes on low cost ceramic supports
The COSMOS-project found that membrane technology has the potential to replace or supplement current inefficient distillation processes.
Biorefinery Program
Biorefinery enables the production of healthy ingredients and the recovery of valuable components (i.e. proteins) out of process streams.
RMZD – Radial Multi-Zone Drying
The Radial Multi-zone Dryer (RMD) project investigates new type of spray dryer for premium product properties and low specific energy consumption.
TEXPOWER – Textile Polycotton Waste Evaluation & Recycling
The TEXPOWER project aims to enable a transparent, circular polycotton textile value chain for a sustainable industry in the Netherlands.
PINcHED – Process INtegrated HEat pump Drying
This project creates greenfield conceptual design packages for contact and convective drying of a full scale. In addition, it focuses on establishing a fully heat pump integrated drying process, including...
COMTA – COMpact modular Thermo Acoustic heat pump
To further develop the compact electrically driven thermoacoustic heat (TA) pump technology and to prepare for technical demonstration on full scale. The industry is a large consumer of energy and...
W2T – Waste2Taste
Waste to Taste is a project about closing the circle in food waste streams using vegetable waste for the production of fully natural food ingredients.
EPRoTrans – Energy reduction technologies enabling PRotein Transition
Project Energy Efficient Protein Transition (EProTrans) investigates the processing of several mixed plant-based streams to produce plant-based proteins.
Single Droplet Modelling
Multicomponent analysis of single droplet spray drying techniques and PhD research for the drying and dewatering program of ISPT.
Demonstration Polymer Heat Exchanger
The goal of this project is to demonstrate the innovative technologies as developed by HeatMatrix in the industrial process in the BioMCN factories. On the one hand this would result...
C2V – Carbon2Value
Innovative CO2 separation technology aims to reduce emissions in steel industry. This project revolves around an innovative technology with the potential to reduce CO2 emissions across the major energy intensive...
SUNSOLr: Electrification of Chemical Conversions
The SUNSOLr project is dedicated to developing technologies for the direct electrification of chemical conversions, focusing on CO2 and H2O/H2 to produce chemicals like CO, CH4, olefins, and methanol.
DC-DC converters – Green GW Hydrogen Plant
In this project we investigate DC-DC connections for large-scale green hydrogen plants to address space constraints, reduce investment costs (up to 25%), and mitigate significant electricity losses compared to traditional...