CRUISE – Cost Reduction Industrial Heatpumps
CRUISE project aims to develop 50% less expensive heat pump technology that generates heat in an economically feasible way

FLEXSTEAM – Development of heat storage for industrial steam
The FLEXSTEAM project aims to improve the way we can store and re-use thermal energy by using so called ‘Phase Changing Materials’ (PCMs). To achieve a fully circular economy we...

COMTA – COMpact modular Thermo Acoustic heat pump
To further develop the compact electrically driven thermoacoustic heat (TA) pump technology and to prepare for technical demonstration on full scale. The industry is a large consumer of energy and...

Demonstration Polymer Heat Exchanger
The goal of this project is to demonstrate the innovative technologies as developed by HeatMatrix in the industrial process in the BioMCN factories. On the one hand this would result...

Steam and condensate quality
This project focuses on requiering better insights into the distribution and behaviour of conditioning chemicals that is used in their steam-water cycles and condensate polishing. Process industries strive for more...
ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2019
How can we implement a circular industry in all sectors? The ISPT Conference is the annual gathering of the ISPT network. This year’s theme is circularity, a booming term in...

VERA – Accelerating Energy Transition Realization Approach
The Vera project aims to further develop and implement industrial heat pumps in the Netherlands.

The industrial heat pump: analyzing opportunities for the Dutch industry
Het project VERA analyseert de mate waarin de industriële warmtepomp op het moment in Nederland wordt gefaciliteerd.

Fine Biofuels: efficient application for low-value biomass streams
Thewse are the resultas of the Fine Biofuels-project.

PINcHED – Process INtegrated HEat pump Drying
This project creates greenfield conceptual design packages for contact and convective drying of a full scale. In addition, it focuses on establishing a fully heat pump integrated drying process, including...

Agata van Oosten
Program Manager (Heat, Fascinating)

Annita Westenbroek
Program Director (Heat)
Accelerating the implementation of high-temperature heat-pumps in the industry
PINcHED project aims to grab forward momentum and move towards mass implementation Heat-pumps will become an integral part of a society on the road to sustainability. The application of this...
To lower industrial carbon emissions by means of high temperature heat pumps
The COMTA project proposes the thermo-acoustic heat pump as a solution The industry is a large consumer of energy and about two-thirds of the industry’s energy use is represented by...

The next step for industrial compression heat pumps
Heat pumps are important for a sustainable industry. They can upgrade waste heat to process heat, and they can be powered using sustainable energy sources.
FLEXSTEAM: Thermal Energy Storage for Industry
The FLEXSTEAM project, that kicked off on the 24th of January at TNO in Petten, aims to improve the way we can store and re-use thermal energy.

Fine Biofuels: biomass-efficiency by regional pellets from residue streams
This project saves energy for bio-energy boilers because of the increased quality of burned biomass.

Innovatieprogramma’s van ISPT spelen centrale rol bij CO2-vrije industrie
Nieuwe innovaties zullen CCS overbodig maken, de industrie geld gaan opleveren en Nederland op de kaart zetten als koploper in duurzaamheid.
Experts choose interaction as preferred way of learning
Our world is changing around us in such a pace that if we do not continue to grow and develop with it; we will soon be left behind. We all...
Innovation Tuesday offers perspective on reduction of the CO2 footprint and energy costs in the industry
On the 23rd of June FME – in collaboration with the ISPT – organized an Innovation Tuesday about the cost reduction of production and integration of industrial high temperature water...
Bringing promising heat pump technology to the market
Energy use in the industrial sector is dominated by the use of heat from fossil fuels, whilst a low-carbon economy requires a transition to more sustainable sources. This transition can...
Developing a platform to give a broad push towards Industrial Heat Pump Implementation
For a sustainable and future-proof process industry, it is vital to reduce the CO2 footprint of industrial processes. Heat pump technology will play a major role towards realizing this reduction....
ECN, DOW and AkzoNobel investigate batch processes
This project examines the energy and cost savings that can be achieved using thermal energy storage DOW, AkzoNobel and ECN are currently working together on an ISPT project to assess...
ISPT- NL GUTS technopartner HeatMatrix attracts 2,4M investments
The future of technology supplier HeatMatrix looks very bright. The small enterprise, that recently succesfully completed an ISPT-NL GUTS technology demonstration project, has attracted 2,4M of new investments. Dutch newspapers...