LESSON: Oil free compressor for ammonia based high temperature heat pumps (in Dutch)
LESSON doet onderzoek naar high temperature heat pumps. Lees hier het final report van het onderzoek.

Webinars on sustaining the future
Due to covid-19 the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium (NPS) had to be postponed. But since climate change does not wait, we replaced the event by a series of 4 webinars...

Climate wins at NPS17 Energy Webinar
Due to covid-19 the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, that was to be held at the TU Delft this year and organized by TU Delft with support of ISPT, had to...

Energy Tech Summit
This exclusive event is bringing the latest developments in energy and mobility convergence theme, debated by global industry leaders across 7 conference tracks.

The ACHEMA World Forum
The ACHEMA World Forum for the Process Industries is the driving force and groundbreaker for the international process industries and their suppliers.

Lessons learned from an oil-free wet compressor
The recently completed LESSON project has identified the sources of losses of an oil-free wet compressor prototype that was built in a previous project.

ISPT event
Waste heat recovery and energy cooperation in European industries
The smart and sustainable energy projects EMB3RS, INCUBIS, R-ACES, SO WHAT and S-PARCS, are organizing a joint webinar: Waste heat recovery and energy cooperation in European Industries.

SPOT: Sustainable PrOcess heaTing
SPOT (Sustainable PrOcess) aims to reduce the use of fossil energy use for industrial heat with at least 100 PJ/year in 2030.

Dutch National Growth Fund: dare to excel
The Dutch National Growth Fund offers great opportunities for green hydrogen and chemistry.

ISPT event
NPS17 Energy Webinar
Wednesday 4 November, 15.00-16.30 The NPS17 Webinar on Energy creates a platform for experts from various sectors and young process technology researchers to discuss the energy transition, challenges, opportunities and...
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek: Het Nationaal Groeifonds
Welke kansen zijn er voor de industrie? Donderdag 15 oktober – 15u00 Investeren in plaats van bezuinigen, zodat Nederland stappen kan maken op weg naar 2030. Dat is de insteek...
Networking event Let’s Connect
COAST believes networking within our community is very important and invites you to participate in their brand-new networking event “Let’s Connect” on September 24th from 16:00-19:00h in Utrecht.
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference 2020
The 9th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference takes place digitally from 13 to 15 October 2020. The event will present the latest ideas and developments in biorefinery separation and conversion processes...

Kick off R-ACES project
Earlier this month, the virtual kick-off meeting of R-ACES took place. The focus of R-ACES is to turn high-potential, high-impact industrial clusters into eco-regions that achieve at least a 10%...
CO2-reducing innovations for process efficiency (Online)
Join this online event on Project 6-25. Project 6025 aims to reduce the CO2 emissions of the 300 most energy-intensive companies in the Netherlands through the accelerated application of innovative...

Compression-resorption heat pumps to save energy
The COMPRESORP project investigated the upgrading of low-temperature waste streams from the process industry into valuable utility streams. To do so, it used compression-resorption heat pumps that operate in the...

Webinar EED energy audit (Dutch)
What is the use of an EED energy audit, what are the alternatives and how can you tackle the EED obligations? Join the webinar (in Dutch) to learn more.

StAgglop: Reducing energy use and material loss by better control of agglomeration during spray drying
Project stAgglop aims to improve agglomeration control to contribute to the reduction of emissions for industrial drying systems.

Infrastructure as backbone for a sustainable society
Hydrogen, electricity, CO2 storage, heat and steam are crucial for a sustainable society. But these energy sources should be able to reach our front doors. That is why the third...
Cutting heat pump investments in half
Heat pump technology is a crucial part of making industry more sustainable. However, there are still many opportunities to increase its economic viability. The recently completed CRUISE project has focused...

COMPRESORP: Upgrading Waste Heat Streams with Wet Compression (in Dutch)
Het doel van dit project was het analyseren, ontwikkelen en experimenteel testen van een prototype compressie-resorptiewarmtepomp voor warmteterugwinning.
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek III: Infrastructuur voor de energietransitie (Dutch)
Hoe ziet de infrastructuur voor de Nederlandse industrie van de toekomst eruit? Donderdag 28 mei om 15u00 Een belangrijke voorwaarde voor de energietransitie van de Nederlandse industrie is een infrastructuur...

CRUISE: Kostenbeparing industriële warmtepompen (in Dutch)
Een optie om energie te besparen in de industrie, is om restwarmte op te vangen en weer opnieuw bruikbaar te maken.
Industrielinqs LIVE (Dutch)
Industrielinqs LIVE is een digitale talkshow over actuele ontwikkelingen in de industrie.