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Spray drying droplets for a better quality end product
On July 5th, Eline Both defended her PhD-thesis on spray drying. Scroll down to read more about Eline and her promotion. Spray drying is a widely applied manner of drying...
Reducing the energy requirements of spray drying
EEMS stands for Energy Efficient Milky Sprays. The project aims to helps spray dry milk products using less energy.
Drying food more efficiently
Thin Film Drying The industrial sector is one of the largest energy consumers now and will remain to be so in the future. Achieving circularity in this sector and moving...
The MFFF-cluster congratulates PhD’s
Concerns several MFFF projects.
Multi Radial Drying project kicks off
RMD is a new type of spray dryer which combines low Capex, low Opex, premium product properties and low specific energy consumption.
Dr. Peter de Jong appointed professor dairy technology at VHL University of applied sciences
As of September 1st 2014, NIZO expert and ISPT cluster director of the cluster Complexe Molecule Separations Processing for Protein, Dr. Peter de Jong has been appointed as professor of...
Redefining Research – the agenda
ISPT redefines and recalibrates her research agenda. We have asked our partners as well as parties not yet affiliated with ISPT to actively participate in this process. After receiving a...