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Pre-treatment with Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) can lead to increased drying robustness of bacteria
PhD defence of Evelien Vaessen The Probiotics project team of the project Low Energy Living Bacterial Food Formulations celebrated Evelien Vaessen’s PhD defence on Monday the 12th of October 2020....
Dutch National Growth Fund: dare to excel
The Dutch National Growth Fund offers great opportunities for green hydrogen and chemistry.
NWGD Symposium (online)
During this online event speakers from companies, knowledge institutes and academia will present latest developments & innovations in the area of industrial drying.
Conference Chemical and Physical Modelling of Food
This conference will be covering topics related to chemistry and physics (and anything in between) of food manufacture, preparation and consumption, including measurement, model building and model validation.
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek: Het Nationaal Groeifonds
Welke kansen zijn er voor de industrie? Donderdag 15 oktober – 15u00 Investeren in plaats van bezuinigen, zodat Nederland stappen kan maken op weg naar 2030. Dat is de insteek...
Talkshow: Het eerlijke gesprek over kunstmest
Doe mee en ga in gesprek met Meststoffen Nederland over de rol van kunstmest in het veranderende landbouwsysteem.
Networking event Let’s Connect
COAST believes networking within our community is very important and invites you to participate in their brand-new networking event “Let’s Connect” on September 24th from 16:00-19:00h in Utrecht.
Springtij Forum 2020
From September 24th till 26th the Springtij Forum takes place. The forum is an influential meeting place for everyone committed to a sustainable future in the Netherlands.
Reducing energy use and material loss by controlling agglomeration spray drying
The new StAgglop project aims to develop scaling-relations to manage sticky behavior and agglomeration in spray drying.
The ambition of a new agri-food system in the Netherlands
High-quality nutrients in a nitrogen-closed system What does the agri-food chain of the future look like? Elzo de Lange discussed this with Peter Bruinenberg of Avebe and Reggy van der...
Webinar EED energy audit (Dutch)
What is the use of an EED energy audit, what are the alternatives and how can you tackle the EED obligations? Join the webinar (in Dutch) to learn more.
StAgglop: Reducing energy use and material loss by better control of agglomeration during spray drying
Project stAgglop aims to improve agglomeration control to contribute to the reduction of emissions for industrial drying systems.
Optimal surface drying for consistent quality of leafy vegetables
How Hessing (fruit and vegetables) improved their drying process.
ISPT event
Industrie in gesprek
De agrofoodketen van de toekomst Donderdag 25 juni – 15u00 Wat is de rol van Nederland in de agrofoodketen van de toekomst? In de landbouw draait het nu nog om...
Developing simulation tool for radio frequent sterilization of food
Together with Top BV, Marfo, and NIZO, the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) has finalized the project Radio Frequent Sterilization 2 (RFS2). This project was a continuation of the...
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek III: Infrastructuur voor de energietransitie (Dutch)
Hoe ziet de infrastructuur voor de Nederlandse industrie van de toekomst eruit? Donderdag 28 mei om 15u00 Een belangrijke voorwaarde voor de energietransitie van de Nederlandse industrie is een infrastructuur...
RFS2 – Radio Frequent Sterilization 2
The project Radio Frequent Sterizilation 2 (RFS2) is focused on the development of RF in-pack sterilization of foods. The project is a continuation of the JIP-project Radio Frequent Sterilization (RFS)...
Process modelling and extra data-acquisition guides machine up-grading
Follow our sequel on the case results in the project Grip on Dryers – this time part 4 of 5. Within the Grip on Dryers project, several companies that seek...
Industrielinqs LIVE (Dutch)
Industrielinqs LIVE is een digitale talkshow over actuele ontwikkelingen in de industrie.
ISPT event
Industrie in gesprek (Dutch)
De invloed van de coronacrisis op innovatie in de industrie Donderdag 30 april – 15u00 COVID-19 dwingt iedereen om op andere manieren te werken en heeft grote invloed op de...
ISPT event
NPS17 Online: The Netherlands Process Technology Symposium Webinars
Sustaining the Future – webinar series Every Wednesday in November | 15:00 – 16:30 This year the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium was going to be held at TU Delft on...
Webinar subsidy schemes (Dutch)
Join this webinar to stay up to date with the latest subsidy schemes. TKI Energy and Industry, in collaboration with CO2 Smart Use and TKI New Gas, is organizing this...
ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2020
Looking how to join us? We are making use of Networkapp, where you can attend the program as well as make use of the different network possibilities. Check your inbox...
Scaling-up of film Freeze Concentration as innovative energy efficient and mild technology
On January 30 a novel custom-designed and built pilot-scale apparatus for film freeze concentration was unveiled at Wageningen University. Film freeze concentration is proposed as an innovative mild technology that...