Electrolysis as a potential solution for congestion management (Use Case Study)
Use Case Study of deployment of electrolysis for congestion management analyzed for legal feasibility, market potential and effect on congestion.
The race for a position in the global electrolysis market
There is a huge opportunity for the Dutch industry to develop a strong electrolysis market. But how can we create a favourable hydrogen ecosystem?
Next Level Solid Oxide Electrolysis
A feasibility study that has investigated the upscaling options of the SOEC technology in the industrial environment.
More about me
Rob Stevens
Program Director (Ammonia)
“Embrace the complexity of the energy transition”
What is needed in the energy transition? Andreas Ten Cate shares his vision on the transition and dives into the complexity of it all.
Trendreport: the Future of Sustainable Process Industry
Download your free copy of ISPT's report: The Future of Sustainable Process Industry.
How to accelerate the Dutch hydrogen economy
Carol Xiao explains why the Dutch hydrogen economy is still struggling to get off the ground and what needs to change.
Verduurzaming van de industrie, hoe gaan we dat doen?
De verduurzaming van de Nederlandse industrie is een monsterklus. Hoe gaan we die klaren voor 2050?
Safety in a green hydrogen plant: what can go wrong?
There is little experience with the safety risks associated with large-scale production of hydrogen. What can go wrong? Carol Xiao explains.
“Change through faith, trust and decisiveness”
How can we learn to think circular? Besides regulations, we need cooperation and consultation between industry parties. ISPT takes a leading role in this, says Carol Xiao.
Carol Xiao: expert in green hydrogen
Carol Xiao is a highly valued expert on green hydrogen. She is a leading speaker on a future economy that runs on green hydrogen.
Hydrohub MegaWatt Test Center: all equipment is ready for the next step!
An important step in the construction of the Hydrohub MegaWatt Test Center took place: both electrolyzers have been installed.
Safety is a priority for the hydrogen economy
Green hydrogen and electrolyzers: how about safety, permits, regulations, guidelines and standards?
Roadmap of the measuring requirements for green hydrogen production by electrolysis
This roadmap helps identifying and prioritizing the needs for measurements related to green hydrogen production (via PEM and Alkaline electrolysis).
Ionbond: The Netherlands could be leading the hydrogen economy
Ionbond has a vision to engineer innovation for the next generation. ISPT collaborates with Ionbond on our Hydrogen projects.
External event
Dag van het Klimaatakkoord
On November 3, de Dag van het Klimaatakkoord, we will talk about the road to zero emissions in 2050.
More about me
Hans van ‘t Noordende
Principal Expert
Launch of the Clean Ammonia Innovation Platform
Clean ammonia has the potential to transform the EU energy system. ISPT launched the Clean Ammonia Platform to make this ambition a reality.
How to meet the green hydrogen demand of the future?
Green hydrogen plays an important role in the energy transition. How to meet the Green Hydrogen demand of the future?
Teijin: “The biggest challenge is changing human-behaviour”
We spoke to our valued partner Mark Breed, Business Development Manager Hydrogen at Teijin on the energy transition. What are the biggest challenges and where will Teijin be in 2030?
Progress 1st year Hyscaling project
The Hyscaling project is about making hydrogen production from electricity on a GW-scale applicable.
Connect to Act – Infrastructure optimalisation and reiventing supply chains
On 16 and 17 June this upcoming event will focus on ‘INFRASTRUCTURE BEYOND BOUNDARIES‘. To achieve the energy transition new and integrated infrastructure is essential. Embedding new feedstock into the complex...
Hydrogen Business Challenger: faster access to finance in European electrolysis market
The Hydrogen Business Challenger supports your chances of successful financing your initiative on green hydrogen.
MAGNETO: “Applying new technologies to contribute to the energy transition”
In our series 'partner in the picture' we introduce some of our valued partners. For this edition we spoke to Matti van Schooneveld from MAGNETO, active in our HyScaling-project.