Hydrolytic stability of PEG-grafted γ-alumina membranes: alkoxysilane vs phosphonic acid linking groups
Small polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules were grafted on ceramic γ-alumina membranes, by making use of organo-alkoxysilanes or organo-phosphonic acids as linking group.
IWA Digital World Water Congress
Join IWA for 8 days of plenary sessions, presentations from industry experts, networking, and much more.

Webinar EED energy audit (Dutch)
What is the use of an EED energy audit, what are the alternatives and how can you tackle the EED obligations? Join the webinar (in Dutch) to learn more.
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek III: Infrastructuur voor de energietransitie (Dutch)
Hoe ziet de infrastructuur voor de Nederlandse industrie van de toekomst eruit? Donderdag 28 mei om 15u00 Een belangrijke voorwaarde voor de energietransitie van de Nederlandse industrie is een infrastructuur...
Industrielinqs LIVE (Dutch)
Industrielinqs LIVE is een digitale talkshow over actuele ontwikkelingen in de industrie.
ISPT event
European Energy & Industry Summit 2020
The European Industry & Energy Summit 2020 goes completely online! We make a virtue of necessity and broadcast the summit at the 8th and 9th of December from Amsterdam and...
Turning rain into drinking water
More than 20% of all drinking water is currently used by industry. Annual drinking water consumption equals 2.2% of Dutch surface area. This includes the use of drinking water by...
ISPT event
Industrie in gesprek (Dutch)
De invloed van de coronacrisis op innovatie in de industrie Donderdag 30 april – 15u00 COVID-19 dwingt iedereen om op andere manieren te werken en heeft grote invloed op de...

Screening of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) for the fractionation / delignification
In this project we developed a fast screening process to study the delignification capability of novel Deep Eutectic Solvents.

ISPT event
NPS17 Online: The Netherlands Process Technology Symposium Webinars
Sustaining the Future – webinar series Every Wednesday in November | 15:00 – 16:30 This year the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium was going to be held at TU Delft on...
Webinar subsidy schemes (Dutch)
Join this webinar to stay up to date with the latest subsidy schemes. TKI Energy and Industry, in collaboration with CO2 Smart Use and TKI New Gas, is organizing this...
Natural Fibertastic
The fourth edition of Natural Fibertastic takes place on Thursday, April 16th in Bergen op Zoom.

ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2020
Looking how to join us? We are making use of Networkapp, where you can attend the program as well as make use of the different network possibilities. Check your inbox...

Recovery of lignin from deep eutectic solvents by liquid-liquid extraction
2-MHTF was found as a suitable extractant for lignin recovery from a DES comprised of choline chloride and L-lactic acid.

Methanol, the LOGIC Choice!
The LOGIC project scales-up the Liquid-Out Gas-In Concept reactor for methanol synthesis from CO2 and sustainable hydrogen.
Matchmaking Event TKI Energy and Industry
During this event key parties in the field (ISPT, TNO, WUR) are connected with universities, government and industry. The event focuses on the 7 themes of the MOOI scheme.
NL-GUTS Partner meeting
The knowledge network NL GUTS, the Netherlands Group of Users of Technology for Separation, aims to exchange and disseminate knowledge about separation processes between companies and between industry and the...
NAP Contact meeting
NAP is a network of companies in the process industry and aims to strengthen the value chain, consisting of plant owners, engineering firms and suppliers.

PRIDES: Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Paper Industry
The European project cluster aims to approach 80% CO2 emission reduction in the lignocellulose processing chain.

ISPT event
ISPT online course Molecular Affinity Separations
The famous ISPT course is back in 2021, on March 10, 18, 24, and 31. During this course several affinity separation techniques will be discussed by teachers from University of...
Expanding the boundaries of ceramic membrane separations
Last month Renaud Merlet successfully defended his PhD dissertation. His research was part of one of ISPT’s projects. Background Renaud Merlet was born in France. He finished his Bachelor of...
European Industry & Energy Summit 2019
The summit strives to foster ideas, technology, plans & projects to address this challenge by bringing together all relevant parties and expertise from around Europe.

Can nanofiltration replace energy intensive distillation?
TENMIP (Testing and Evaluation of Nanofiltration Membranes in Industrial Processes) evaluated if nanofiltration can replace energy intensive distillation.
Dutch soft matter meeting
The Dutch soft matter meeting aims at providing a regular forum of discussion and exchange between Master and PhD Students, Postdocs, and Senior Scientists working on topics of soft condensed...