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Making the textile industry future proof
The EColoRO concept includes reclaiming 70% of the wastewater that can be reused in the textile manufacturing process.
Forward Osmosis expected to significantly reduce the use of energy in dewatering processes
On 9 July, at a progress meeting held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, the first pilot-plant tests of innovative forward osmosis membranes to concentrate diverse industrial feed streams were discussed between...
How best to treat industrial salt waste streams innovatively and economically
The ORPHEUS project compares membrane distillation and freeze-concentration Currently the process industry generates a significant amount of wastewater. These streams often contain (traces of) organic components in addition to salts....
Moving forward with Membrane Distillation for Industrial purposes
Liquid Gap Membrane Distillation combines leftover heat with box-shaped membranes The development of a new separation technology by means of membranes – membrane distillation – started a few years ago...

Nanosheets, a possible game changer in Membrane Technology
An important part of creating a circular economy is the recovery and re-use of valuable components. Industrial waste and discharge streams contain many of these components that, if recovered, can...
Invitation: matching brine producers with users of recovered materials
The availability and cost of water is becoming a risk factor for the continuity of industrial plants. This raises the need for circular business models where process water is reused and...
A big welcome to Program Director Kees Roest
Uniting the Water Processing and Efficient Liquid Separation clusters In April we welcomed Kees Roest as the Program Director of our Water Processing and Efficient Liquid Separation clusters. He will...
Meet your match for salt recovery and reuse
Primary source salts can increasingly be replaced by second generation salts that have just as much value, as shown in the ZERO BRINE project. It’s time to take the hurdles...
MSc graduate of the water cluster: Wout van Weert
Wout Van Weert is a 24 year-old Belgian graduate student who studies in Environmental Engineering Technology at Ghent University. He always had had a weak spot for the environment, combined...

Roller drying with Algea 2.0: higher quality at a lower cost
Roller Drying as a drying method is often applied in the process industry, it is also the preferred option for drying wet algea.
Online Brine Platform Boosts Circular Economy Solutions for Process Industries
ZERO BRINE service offers ‘disruptive’ opportunity in resource management The ZERO BRINE project, which aims to advance circular economy business models by redesigning the value and supply chain of water...
ELS Cluster congratulates PhD Kristianne Tempelman
The ELS cluster proudly congratulates Kristianne Tempelman on receiving her PhD with a dissertation on the Swelling of Thin Polymer Films. The project was a joint NWO/ISPT project and it...
From wasting valuable resources to a ‘zero discharge’ closed waste water cycle
The Eurydice Project The ‘waste’ in ‘wastewater’ actually contains quite a few valuable resources. Domestic wastewater streams are already treated to recover components like Phosphorus, Nitrogen and cellulose. From drinking...
New business matchmaking service for brine producers and users
Demonstration workshops at industrial cluster locations ZERO BRINE is a European project that aims to recover and re-use salt and water from brine streams containing organics that result from several...
Zero Brine project kicked off!
View the first ZeroBrine NEWSLETTER here. A new European project that aims to recover and re-use salt and water from brine streams containing organics that result from several different industrial...
Energy Efficient Membrane Based Acetone Recovery
The ‘Energy Efficient Membrane Based Acetone Recovery’ (EEMBAR) project has recently been concluded. Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSN) is an emerging technology that offers the possibility to recover organic solvents from...
COSMOS project to develop OSNF membranes on low cost ceramic supports is on its way
Currently about 25% of the energy in the process industry is used for (thermal) separation processes. The main method of separation used is distillation, which is a very energy-inefficient process....
Water Innovation Prize 2017, ISPT projectleader nominated
Projectleader Albert Jansen of the EAP 20-09 project has been nominated for the waterinnovatieprijs 2017 with ‘Hemels Water’. You can vote for the innovationprize here.
EColoRO and Pentair nominated for Water Innovator of the year
During the Water Vision Congress on February 18th at ICDuBo in Rotterdam, the Water Innovator of the Year will again be announced. Amongst the nominated candidates are innovative companies, start-ups...
Design next steps for catalytic membrane reactors
The EU CARENA project has led to successful results on many aspects of the membrane reactor technology. Next step is to put these results into a broader perspective. How does...
ISPT presents EuRyDice at Aqua Nederland Vakbeurs
Energy efficient valorization of Components from process streams is the full title of the new EuRyDice project that will be executed by AkzoNobel, Corbion, DOW, Hexion, ECN, KWR, VITO within...