With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.
ISPT event
Industrie in gesprek (Dutch)
De invloed van de coronacrisis op innovatie in de industrie Donderdag 30 april – 15u00 COVID-19 dwingt iedereen om op andere manieren te werken en heeft grote invloed op de...

ISPT event
NPS17 Online: The Netherlands Process Technology Symposium Webinars
Sustaining the Future – webinar series Every Wednesday in November | 15:00 – 16:30 This year the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium was going to be held at TU Delft on...
Webinar subsidy schemes (Dutch)
Join this webinar to stay up to date with the latest subsidy schemes. TKI Energy and Industry, in collaboration with CO2 Smart Use and TKI New Gas, is organizing this...
Evaluating inline moisture measurement for xspray dried dairy products
Follow our sequel on the case results in the project Grip on Dryers – this time part 3 of 5. Within the Grip on Dryers project, several companies that seek...

ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2020
Looking how to join us? We are making use of Networkapp, where you can attend the program as well as make use of the different network possibilities. Check your inbox...

Dutch National Energy traineeship builds networks for the energy transition
Talented and broadly oriented young employees with a drive for bringing the energy transition about. Plus an extensive network interested in joint, integrated projects. That is the proposition of the...
The promise of energy efficient two stage drying
Follow our sequel on the case results in the project Grip on Dryers – this time part 2 of 5. Within the ISPT Grip on Dryers project, several companies that...
Matchmaking Event TKI Energy and Industry
During this event key parties in the field (ISPT, TNO, WUR) are connected with universities, government and industry. The event focuses on the 7 themes of the MOOI scheme.

Making a market quality bio-based chemical out of cellulose
Elchin Jafariyeh Yazdi did her research at ISPT’s Cell-U-Value initiative that focuses on the development of sustainable bio-based and sustainable chemicals out of tertiary cellulose.
NAP Contact meeting
NAP is a network of companies in the process industry and aims to strengthen the value chain, consisting of plant owners, engineering firms and suppliers.
3st International Conference on Cellulose Fibres
New International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, the fastest growing fibre group in textiles, the largest investment sector in the bio-based economy and the solution for avoiding microplastics.
3rd Combined Energy Conference 2020
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) and the EnergyAgency NRW from North Rhine-Westphalia organize the 3rd Combined Energy Conference on 29 January 2020 in Arnhem (NL). The 2020 Conference is aiming...

External event
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference 2022 (NWBC)
NWBC is about the latest in biorefinery separation, conversion processes and bio-based products from the wood biorefinery.
Looking back: building a sustainable future in 2019
It is obvious that 2019 has been an impactful year. Not only for the sustainable process industry, but also throughout society, in the Netherlands and beyond. Below we briefly illustrate some...

Redesigning our food industry with sustainable process technology
In our program Drying and Dewatering we focus on one of the most important process steps in the food industry: drying.
European Industry & Energy Summit 2019
The summit strives to foster ideas, technology, plans & projects to address this challenge by bringing together all relevant parties and expertise from around Europe.
Sustainability in Movement
Springtij and ABN AMBRO are organizing one free training day (in Dutch) from Youfacilitate in directly applicable methods and techniques to create more change and work together smarter.

Ronald Korstanje
Program Director (Circular Plastics)
this virtual event allows attendees to learn from and network with a truly international delegation focused on investment opportunities in renewables and the energy transition. In 2020, the Forum bought...
Circulaire Industrie 2021
Dutch event on circular industry, organised by Management Producties.
ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2019
How can we implement a circular industry in all sectors? The ISPT Conference is the annual gathering of the ISPT network. This year’s theme is circularity, a booming term in...
Towards a circular economy: the challenge of connecting technology and logistics
The re-use of our materials is essential for a sustainable future. To achieve circularity we need to integrate the whole value chain of waste collection, sorting, recycling and re-use. A...
The road to a green industry: sustainable innovations in our production processes
This is the second blog on how industry is establishing a sustainable future. The first blog introduced the role of industry in several themes which are currently most visible in...

How the industry plays a crucial role in establishing a sustainable future
What if we don't see the industry as a big bad polluter, but as an indispensable partner in building a green future?