With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.

European Research and Innovation Days
European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

War on plastic waste: eerst de kraan dicht, dan dweilen
Plastic is een geweldig materiaal: het is licht, multifunctioneel en goedkoop. Tegelijk vormt plastic afval een van de grote uitdagingen van onze tijd. Daarom gingen we zaterdag, tijdens World Cleanup...

The next generation process installations
DSM, Nouryon and Huntsman researched the potential of rotating packed beds with the TU Dortmund and the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT). RPB technology offers many advantages, as the...
Networking event Let’s Connect
COAST believes networking within our community is very important and invites you to participate in their brand-new networking event “Let’s Connect” on September 24th from 16:00-19:00h in Utrecht.

Imperial College London: Plastic packaging materials have the least impactful carbon footprint
How do alternative materials perform compared to plastic when it comes to their carbon footprint? This was the central question in the research of Imperial College London and Veolia. In...
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek: Circular plastics
Is de producent verantwoordelijk voor het recyclen van plastic verpakkingen? Donderdag 17 september – 15u00 Een volledig circulaire waardeketen in plastics: volgens sommigen is het een droombeeld, volgens de organisaties...

Connecting climate innovations from industry with social issues during Springtij
During the last weekend of September the annual sustainability forum Springtij takes place on the island of Terschelling. For three days government, NGOs, industry and society will focus on sustainability...

Springtij Forum 2020
From September 24th till 26th the Springtij Forum takes place. The forum is an influential meeting place for everyone committed to a sustainable future in the Netherlands.
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference 2020
The 9th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference takes place digitally from 13 to 15 October 2020. The event will present the latest ideas and developments in biorefinery separation and conversion processes...

“We want to be a global leader in chemical recycling of plastics.”
In today’s world, plastic has become indispensable. The material plays an important role in almost all aspects of modern society. As a detrimental side effect, plastic waste can be found...

Carbon flows take central stage with the new Carbon Transition Model
The Carbon Transition Model (CTM) explores the options for emission reduction, as well as their interaction and impact on the greater Dutch industrial system.

The ambition of a new agri-food system in the Netherlands
High-quality nutrients in a nitrogen-closed system What does the agri-food chain of the future look like? Elzo de Lange discussed this with Peter Bruinenberg of Avebe and Reggy van der...
CO2-reducing innovations for process efficiency (Online)
Join this online event on Project 6-25. Project 6025 aims to reduce the CO2 emissions of the 300 most energy-intensive companies in the Netherlands through the accelerated application of innovative...
Producing raw materials from CO2 rich industrial waste flows
Establishing a circular process by reusing residual flows The Steel Slag Upgrade to Products (SUP) project focuses on making maximum use of residual/ waste flows from large industries for the...
EU Circular Economy and Plastic Policy – nova Session
Want to know what’s really going on with the new European plastics policy and get the latest news on developments? Join the nova Session.

Online event Wind meets Industry (Dutch)
Op 1 juli lanceren VEMW, Energie-Nederland, NWEA en Topsector Energie een gezamenlijke actieagenda om elektrificatie in de industrie en het realiseren van wind op zee te versnellen. Benieuwd?

Webinar EED energy audit (Dutch)
What is the use of an EED energy audit, what are the alternatives and how can you tackle the EED obligations? Join the webinar (in Dutch) to learn more.

Infrastructure as backbone for a sustainable society
Hydrogen, electricity, CO2 storage, heat and steam are crucial for a sustainable society. But these energy sources should be able to reach our front doors. That is why the third...
ISPT event
Industrie in gesprek
De agrofoodketen van de toekomst Donderdag 25 juni – 15u00 Wat is de rol van Nederland in de agrofoodketen van de toekomst? In de landbouw draait het nu nog om...
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek III: Infrastructuur voor de energietransitie (Dutch)
Hoe ziet de infrastructuur voor de Nederlandse industrie van de toekomst eruit? Donderdag 28 mei om 15u00 Een belangrijke voorwaarde voor de energietransitie van de Nederlandse industrie is een infrastructuur...
Online iBrainstorm ‘Circular entrepreneurship’ (Dutch)
CIRCO is een programma voor bedrijven waarin je kennis maakt met de principes van de circulaire economie, kansen verkent voor jouw onderneming en naar huis gaat met een visie voor...
Industrielinqs LIVE (Dutch)
Industrielinqs LIVE is een digitale talkshow over actuele ontwikkelingen in de industrie.
ISPT event
European Energy & Industry Summit 2020
The European Industry & Energy Summit 2020 goes completely online! We make a virtue of necessity and broadcast the summit at the 8th and 9th of December from Amsterdam and...
Nikhil John: artificial intelligence in ERGO-project
Nikhil John researches sustainable production and artificial intelligence as part of the ERGO project.