With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.

InnovatieExpo 2021
Op de InnovatieExpo 2021 zie je wat ons land allemaal in huis heeft, word je creativiteit geprikkeld en ontmoet je toonaangevende spelers die jouw idee verder helpen.

Webinar verplichting EED energie-audit
Wat heeft u aan een EED energie-audit, wat zijn de alternatieven en hoe kunt u de EED verplichtingen aanpakken? U leert de ins en outs tijdens ons gratis webinar van...

Springtij Forum 2021
From September 22th till 24th the Springtij Forum takes place. The forum is an influential meeting place for everyone committed to a sustainable future in the Netherlands.

Decarb Connect
Accelerating decarbonisation in hard to abate sectors. Roadmaps, pilot project intel and cross-sector partnerships.
7th Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Summit
For the 2021 European edition, the conference will explore the on-going & future CO2 utilisation projects, the importance of creating partnership through industrial clusters, best practices of LCAs, as well...
9th Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals
The conference is one of the oldest and most established worldwide and has developed into a unique meeting place for the entire Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X industry...

I was inspired by the sustainable nature of the project
Dion Smink researched the topic of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) at University of Twente.

Webinars on sustaining the future
Due to covid-19 the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium (NPS) had to be postponed. But since climate change does not wait, we replaced the event by a series of 4 webinars...

Climate wins at NPS17 Energy Webinar
Due to covid-19 the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, that was to be held at the TU Delft this year and organized by TU Delft with support of ISPT, had to...
NSP17 Water Webinar: a dazzling look at the future
Officially water technology is not a science field yet – except in the Netherlands. Rightly so, because global warming will increasingly cause rising seas, draughts and water shortages. So the...

Learning from nature’s efficiency at NPS17 Circularity Webinar
On Wednesday November 11, 2020 the NPS17 Webinar on Circularity was being held. It was the second one in a series of four webinars on the over-arching theme ‘Sustaining the...

Important steps in regeneration of Deep Eutectic Solvents
Efficient regeneration of the Deep Eutectic Solvent used for the delignification of wood, is important to achieve a cost-effective and sustainable new pulping process.

De toekomst van de landbouw wordt geschreven in Groningen
Fascinating realiseert een circulair landbouw systeem dat duurzaamheid, natuur, gezonde voeding en economische impact met elkaar in balans brengt.

Grip on carbon flows with Carbon Transition Model
The Carbon Transition Model (CTM) provides the context that is needed to give direction to the transition and jointly determine the most logical sequence of steps. It will support decision-makers...

ISPT event
Circular Plastics Conference
A SERIES OF EXPERT EVENTS ON CLOSING THE LOOP 14h30 to 17h00 (CET) – February 4 | February 25 | March 18 | April 8 | April 29 | May...

Nationale Conferentie Circulaire Economie
In de transitie naar een circulaire economie staan we op een kantelpunt. Om tot een doorbraak te komen moeten we nu doorpakken om deze kansen volledig te benutten en te...

The ACHEMA World Forum
The ACHEMA World Forum for the Process Industries is the driving force and groundbreaker for the international process industries and their suppliers.

HIMS researchers highlight the future of plastics with multi-partner BRECSIT project
Biodegradable plastics have an important role to play in the greening of our society and in the transition to a circular economy, say Dr. Layla Filiciotto and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg...

ISPT event
NPS17 Circularity Webinar
Wednesday 11 November, 15.00-16.30 The NPS17 Circularity Webinar creates a platform for experts from various sectors and young process technology researchers to discuss recent advances in coming to a circular...

Dutch National Growth Fund: dare to excel
The Dutch National Growth Fund offers great opportunities for green hydrogen and chemistry.

Circularity in cellulose
For Recell’s Erik Pijlman there’s no doubt: cellulose extracted from waste streams is a valuable sustainable resource for the chemical industry. Thanks to ISPT he got in touch with chemical...

“We need to get going towards application-driven recycling”
The National Test Center Circular Plastics has state-of-the-art technology and facilities for sorting and separating plastic waste streams. With testing and research on an industrial scale, it contributes to closing...
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek: Het Nationaal Groeifonds
Welke kansen zijn er voor de industrie? Donderdag 15 oktober – 15u00 Investeren in plaats van bezuinigen, zodat Nederland stappen kan maken op weg naar 2030. Dat is de insteek...

Extended Producer Responsibility: does it also apply to plastic packaging?
Are producers responsible for the recycling of plastic packaging? This was the subject of the sixth online panel discussion held on 17 September 2020 as part of ISPT’s Industrie in...