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FO membranes offer new market opportunities, especially for food
The FOMM research shows that an improved FO membrane combined with module configuration offers new market opportunities, especially for the food industry.

ISPT-directeur Tjeerd Jongsma over het belang van samenwerken in de energietransitie
Wat zijn de huidige uitdagingen rondom de energietransitie? ISPT-directeur Tjeerd Jogsma spreekt erover in het Financieel Dagblad (FD).

The Future of Energy
During this event, young people will have the opportunity to learn about the challenges within the energy transition.

ISPT welcomes new partner Brusche Process Technology for the lead of Liquid-Out-Gas-In Reactor
What means this partnership for the (future of) process industry and how will Brusche Process Technology build the reactor together with ISPT and other partners?

The era of waste will end soon
Collaboration on converting waste streams is highly needed to create volume, to tackle technological and regulatory hurdles and meet the stringent market requirements.

Introducing Scissors: Super Critical Industrial Solution for Suspended Organic Residual Streams
The SCISSORS-project aims to research and enable the processing of sustainable Residual Streams through super critical water technology.

Circular Plastics Conference ’22: partnering up once again
Partnering up once again; join us at the Circular Plastics Conference '22.

ISPT event
Design for recycling: the optimalization of inks, additives, pigments & contaminants
The Circular Plastics Initiative (CPI) would like to invite you to a workshop on Design for Recycling (DfR) of plastics and focused on the other compounds in plastics than polymer,...

Dutch Power Industry in Transition
What technological innovations are driving the industry’s e-transition? This event invites some interesting keynote speakers to find out.

PINcHED: final conclusion on integrating heat pumps into drying processes
PINcHED has officially completed its project concerned with establishing heat pumps integrated in drying processes. Today, drying processes account for approximately 15% of the primary energy used by Dutch industry,...

ISPT event
Sold out: ISPT Conference ’22
The Dutch industry has a major ambition: to be fully sustainable by 2050. But how will the transition be financed? And what investments will contribute to the energy transition?
Springtij 2022
From September 21th till 23th the yearly Springtij Forum takes place. The forum is an influential meeting place for everyone committed to a sustainable future in the Netherlands.

Dutch MOOI subsidy for innovation in the energy transition
Join and hear all about the Dutch MOOI subsidy for innovation in the energy transition. A joint event by TKI Energie and Industrie, TKI Nieuw Gas en TKI Wind op...

ISPT event
Problem solving and matchmaking: Building blocks from waste
ISPT invites you to join our event on Building blocks from waste on 15 March 2022. Meet and match with residual stream owners, innovative technology suppliers and the market for...

ISPT event
Data monitoring within the plastic value chain
3rd of February – 13:00 – 15:00 – Online event Together with our community we have defined the current challenges in the plastic value chain in our Circular Plastics Initiative Roadmap. We strive to tackle these challenges together with you, and...

The Annual Energy Tech Summit
The annual Energy Tech Summit is hosting top global energy and mobility investors, entrepreneurs, and government leaders. The exclusive three-day hybrid event is livestreamed globally on April 26-28, 2022. This...

International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2022)
Energy storage systems can be the key to the successful energy transition. These systems are more relevant today than ever before. They can address numerous challenges of the energy transition...

ISPT event
Circular Plastics Conference 2022 (CPC’22)
Taking place in May 18th and 19th 2022: the 2-day Circular Plastics Conference 2022. This year the Circular Plastic Conference 2022 is all about partnering up and interacting face-to-face with...

Nationale Conferentie Circulaire Economie
On 7 February 2022, on the first day of the Week of the Circular Economy, the fourth Nationale Conferentie Circulaire Economie will take place. This year’s theme is ‘system change...

The E3C project: closing the carbon cycle
There’s no getting around it: industry has to start making their chemical processes more sustainable. One promising way to do this is to use electricity instead of fossil fuels to...

PROVE IT: CO2 emissions turned into methanol
Industry must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming. Technology to capture CO2 is in place. This can be introduced competitively if the captured CO2 can be put...

The Plastics Industry Awards
The conference will be a mix of presentations and keynote speeches and will discuss issues and solutions facing the plastics industry today.

European Industry & Energy Summit 2021
The process industry and energy sector can make a major contribution in making the future sustainable. During the two-day European Industry & Energy Summit topics as emission-free hydrogen, chemcycling, energy...

New Steel2Chemicals pilot unit now up and running
Steel2Chemicals is a project about connecting the chemical industry and the steel industry in order to produce synthetic naphtha, create a circular value chain and thus reduce CO2 emission. After...