The Dutch Ministerraad honored the Nationaal Groeifonds proposal ‘Duurzame MaterialenNL’ for the part concerning circular plastics. This means an enormous boost to make the Netherlands a frontrunner in the materials transition, to develop new circular plastic systems and to make the plastic value chain more sustainable.
The Circular Plastics Initiative (CPI) – led by ISPT and DPI – has contributed with their expertise and industrial network to the circular plastics part of the proposal. Over the next 8 years we are granted €540 million, of which €220 million from the Nationaal Groeifonds, for the development of new circular plastic systems, technologies and materials.
We are ready to take the challenge
Tjeerd Jongsma, director of ISPT: “The Circular Plastics Initiative is more than ready to take on the challenges in circular plastics and to continue with the development of the program. In the current political situation, it is even more important to become independent of fossil raw materials. We can take a big step by reusing the raw materials and organizing the chain in the right way. With this Groeifonds proposal we have the opportunity to make the materials chain truly circular and sustainable.”
Circular Plastics Conference ’22
During the Circular Plastics Conference ’22 we will pay attention to this new development with a special session hosted by keynote Jacqueline Vaessen, Head of the Topsector Chemistry. Read all about in the liveblog about CPC’22.
About MaterialenNL Platform
Over 300 organizations, including companies, SMEs, technological research organizations, knowledge institutions, industry associations and social organizations under the banner of the MaterialenNL Platform, are involved in the Groeifonds proposal Duurzame MaterialenNL.
About Circular Plastics Initiative (CPI)
The Circular Plastics Initiative is open for more participants. Would you like more information, please contact Klaartje Rietkerken or join our CPI-page on LinkedIn.