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2024 achievements: energy-efficient drying technologies for the food industry
Reflect with us on the achievements of 2024 and see what opportunities lie ahead for the food industry in 2025.

Zeolietsorptiedroger realiseert 40-45% energiebesparing bij sproeidrogen
Recentelijk heeft ISPT de haalbaarheidsstudie ZeoDry afgerond, waarin de efficiëntie van een nieuw ontworpen zeolietsorptiedroger in een drumconstructie werd onderzocht. Uit de studie blijkt dat een energiebesparing van 40 à...

Help us find optimal solutions to our Industrial Heat Cases
Join us in tackling the challenges of industrial electrification and flexibilization! This is your chance to explore opportunities and technologies and expand your network by connecting with industry experts and...

ISPT event
Joint ISPT & Port of Rotterdam Conference ’24
This year, the ISPT Conference proudly collaborates with the Port of Rotterdam (PoR). A promising co-production, as the 3 major transitions we are working on come together in the Port of...

Flexible Efficient Electrification of Industrial Heat Cases
This project will develop innovative process designs solving the efficient flexible electrification challenge.

Unique innovation programme paves way for energy-neutral and circular process industry in 2050
Long Term Programme is a unique programme in which universities and companies work together to create a sustainable process industry.

External event
Interactieve workshop hoogtemperatuur warmteopslag voor industriële processen
Grootschalige energieopslag: een onmisbaar onderdeel van de energietransitie. Vergroot tijdens deze workshop van BlueTerra je kennis en reken op deskundige 1-op-1 begeleiding.

External event
Nationaal Warmte Congres 2023
Tijdens het Nationaal Warmte Congres worden stappen gezet om de uitvoering van de warmtetransitie concreet te maken.

External event
Inspiration tour Chemelot and Gulpener
On April 21st, Platform Verduurzaming Industrie organises this year's first live inspiration tour to Limburg's Chemelot and Beer brewer Gulpener.

Tested: platforms calculating the benefits from recycling waste heat and cold
During a hands-on workshop participants were able to test platforms, developed by the EU funded projects EMB3Rs and R-ACES, that help reusing excess thermal energy.

External event
Joint EMB3Rs and R-ACES Stakeholders Workshop
Get to know the EMB3Rs Heat and Cold matching platform and the R-ACES Energy Management Platform (and how it can service you).

External event
Workshop: MVR and HT heat pumps for industry
Does residual heat represent an opportunity for you to reduce CO2? With this workshop BlueTerra provides knowledge about available technology, manufactures and types, their application options and calculation tools.

Technology Carrousel: state-of-the-art heat integration and storage technologies
ISPT, in collaboration with project 6-25, organised a Technology Carrousel where suppliers of state-of-the-art heat technology were matched with end users.

External event
Dag van het Klimaatakkoord
On November 3, de Dag van het Klimaatakkoord, we will talk about the road to zero emissions in 2050.

ISPT event
Technology Carrousel on heat integration
At the Technology Carrousel manufacturers and suppliers of heat integration and storage technologies will present their technologies.

ToPerform Smart Solutions: “There is no Planet B”
Innovations should contribute to both the objectives of the Climate Agreementas as well as the growth of a companie.

Shell and DOW start up e-cracking furnace experimental unit
This milestone is a significant step toward decarbonising the most carbon intensive aspects of petrochemical manufacturing.

ISPT-directeur Tjeerd Jongsma over het belang van samenwerken in de energietransitie
Wat zijn de huidige uitdagingen rondom de energietransitie? ISPT-directeur Tjeerd Jogsma spreekt erover in het Financieel Dagblad (FD).

PINcHED: final conclusion on integrating heat pumps into drying processes
PINcHED has officially completed its project concerned with establishing heat pumps integrated in drying processes. Today, drying processes account for approximately 15% of the primary energy used by Dutch industry,...

ISPT event
Sold out: ISPT Conference ’22
The Dutch industry has a major ambition: to be fully sustainable by 2050. But how will the transition be financed? And what investments will contribute to the energy transition?

European Industry & Energy Summit 2021
The process industry and energy sector can make a major contribution in making the future sustainable. During the two-day European Industry & Energy Summit topics as emission-free hydrogen, chemcycling, energy...

Legal support tool for energy cooperation
R-ACES project has built a legal tool that will help develop energy cooperation projects for industrial sites and business parks.

ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2021: Industry in Society
Dutch industry has a major ambition: to be fully sustainable by 2050, and to meet tough intermediate targets along the way, most particularly in 2030. To do this, it will need to play a leading transformational role. But let’s face...

PINcHED – Process Integrated Heat Pump Drying
The PINcHED project investigates the heat pump process integration for 2 typical drying processes: Convective drying (Huhtamaki use case) and Contact drying (Cosun/Rixona and AVEBE use cases).