The Netherlands is ambitiously building a circular economy: a world in which we use raw materials efficiently, reuse as many materials as possible and throw away as little as possible. But can we achieve this while preserving our robust basic industry?
This year, the ISPT Conference proudly collaborated with the Port of Rotterdam (PoR). A highly succesful co-production, as the 3 major transitions the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) is working on (energy, materials and agro-food) came together in the Port of Rotterdam.
Both parties saw that a lot of time, attention and money is allocated to the energy transition, but hardly any to the raw materials transition, while the need and urgency are similar.
Therefore the focus for this conference, called Material Change: the Dutch opportunity to fast-track a circular Europe, was on the raw materials transition, how it’s linked to energy transition and how that offers plenty of important opportunities for fully circular Dutch industry.

Material Change: the Dutch opportunity to fast-track a circular Europe
As we look to the future, many of us aspire to live sustainably, yet we also desire stylish clothing, homeownership, comfortable travel from A to B and nice things to make our lives pleasant and comfortable. Completely de-cluttering is hardly an option for most people.
So, during the 2024 edition of the conference we talked about how to introduce all these consumer goods to the market in a circular and carbon-neutral manner?
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Previous editions
During the edition of 2022 we talked money. How will we finance the transition to a fully sustainable Dutch industry by 2050? And what investments will contribute to the energy transition?
Our community of masterminds discussed on how to best allocate the money up to 2050. We also spoke about the role of human capital and how society will support the actions that need to be taken. Enjoy a full recap of the day here.

This is what people say about us
As usual, a great occasion to meet up with Dutch industry leaders at the ISPT Conference 2022. Good talks, good networking.