With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.
5e Symposium Circulaire Maakindustrie
Met de transitie naar een circulaire maakindustrie kunnen we een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan de klimaatdoelstellingen en aan de duurzame groei van de Nederlandse economie.

The Netherlands has what it takes to play a pioneering role
When it comes to circularity and renewable energy, the Netherlands can play a pioneering role.

The Circular Plastics Initiative delivers its Roadmap
The Circular Plastics Roadmap is an interactive document that shows the steps needed to create a future where recycling has replaced incineration as the norm.

ISPT event
Waste Stream Valorisation Online Matchmaking event
As part of the circular economy, there is an increasing interest in converting waste streams into feedstock (hydrocarbons) and energy carriers (biogas, syngas, oil, heat, hydrogen). During this online matchmaking...

Carbon Transition Model predicts options for lowering emissions
The Carbon Transition Model maps out raw material, energy and emission flows in order to predict how to achieve sustainability.

Dag van het Klimaatakkoord
Op de Dag van het Klimaatakkoord praten we met experts over de slagingskans van innovaties voor de energietransitie. Hoe kunnen we de uitstoot van broeikasgassen sneller omlaag brengen?

Futures Dialogue
A shortage of raw materials is looming. How do we come up with a response to this scarcity? During Futures Dialogues we will discuss solutions and opportunities. ISPT director Tjeerd Jongsma...

ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2021: Industry in Society
Dutch industry has a major ambition: to be fully sustainable by 2050, and to meet tough intermediate targets along the way, most particularly in 2030. To do this, it will need to play a leading transformational role. But let’s face...

Stainless Steel World Conference & Exhibition
2021 will be the 12th Stainless Steel World Conference in Europe and the key focus for the conference this year will be discussion, interaction, and knowledge transfer. Hans van ‘t...
Europese afspraken voor CCUS en carbon accounting
Een van de oplossingen om de doelstellingen van het ‘Parijsakkoord’ te halen, is het afvangen, transporteren en hergebruiken of (ondergronds) opslaan van CO2 (in het Engels afgekort als CCUS). Ook...
The Greener Manufacturing Show
The Greener Manufacturing Show is the must-attend event for any sustainability focused company looking to design and manufacturer their products from more sustainable materials, limit and eliminate the use of...

A promising start on an alternative to Haber-Bosch
The Plasma Conversion project looked at ways to identify and realise a much cleaner industrial-scale alternative to the energy-hungry Haber-Bosch process. It has taken a number of promising first steps,...

ISPT event
NPS17: Together more sustainable
Last year, the NPS17 was posponed due to the Covid-19 measurements. For this year, ISPT proudly announces the next Netherlands Process Technology Symposium (NPS17) in the role of co-organizer. An...

Ammonia’s potential as an energy carrier
Kevin Rouwenhorst studies how plasma technology and metal catalysts can be combined to make ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen.

I want to develop a novel nanofiltration membrane that offers improved performance
An interview with Chin Yin Leo, whom developed herexpertise in membrane technologies, specialising in Novel nanofiltration membrane.

Breakthrough in search for new bio-based and non-toxic building materials
There is a strong growing demand for safe bio-based and bio-degradable binding agents. However, for a long time there were no bio-based thermoset binders available on the market. The CirBind...

Chemometrics can contribute to a sustainable future
My name is Carlo Giuseppe Bertinetto and I am a researcher in ISPT’s project Towards improved circularity of polyolefin-based packaging. I believe that chemometrics, a field that combines data science...

Carbon2Value: synergy between steel and chemistry leads to reduced emissions
Carbon2Value was succesful in converting the carbon waste streams from the steel industry into building blocks for the chemical industry.

TopQuants Spring Event 2021
TopQuants – the networking organisation for quants by quants, organizes an online TopQuants Spring Event 2020 on Energy transition, climate change and finance. ISPT’s Andreas ten Cate will talk about the complexity of...

Dow and Shell demonstrate progress for lower CO2 emission crackers
Dow and Shell report progress on their technology program to electrically heat steam cracker furnaces. This will significantly reduce CO2 emissions.

Recent developments in carbon capture technologies
What do clathrates have in store for us? There are already a number of technologies available for CO2-capture. But in order to reach a carbon neutral industry by 2050, more...

Singapore Water Week 2021
This virtual event will feature close to 100 keynotes, thematic webinars, workshops on best practices and solutions spanning the urban water cycle and a virtual expo featuring some 100 exhibitors...

Deltavisie 2021
The industry is in transition. How can current employees find their way in a changing environment? And what is expected of the future generation of smart employees? During Deltavisie we...

ISPT event
Funding opportunities: online workshop for SMEs and startups
At ISPT we believe that radical change can be achieved through technological innovation and cooperation. An important part of our work is supporting and promoting SMEs and startups by connecting...