ReSolve – Re-use of industrial solvent process streams
Ceramic organic solvent nanofiltration membranes with small pore sizes and high throughputs, as compared to polymeric membranes, will be developed by a novel technology.

Biorefinery Program
Biorefinery enables the production of healthy ingredients and the recovery of valuable components (i.e. proteins) out of process streams.

SUPP – Steel Slag Upgrading and PCC Production
The aim of the SUPP project is to create one combined and integrated robust batch process in order to stabilize and upgrade steel slag and neutralize hydrochloric acid. In addition, it...

ReCoVR – Recovery and Circularity of Valuable Resources
ReCoVR designs and develops novel functional materials and technologies to selectively recover high-value molecules.

Renewable Building Blocks from Complex and wet waste Streams (ReBBloCS)
The ReBBloCS project aims to develop new circular value chains for the valorisation of complex and mixed waste streams into valuable chemical products.

Goal of this project is to develop a library of complementary techniques for concentrating brines beyond reverse osmosis.

HF2N – High Flux 2D Nanosheet membranes
High Flux 2D Nanosheet membranes to demonstrate and validate the high potential of a new class of inorganic high flux 2D Nanosheet membranes on a practical scale

Nanofiltration (EAMS) – Hybrid membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration
Nanofiltration (EAMS) is a project that focusses on finding practical and economical viable membrane materials to be commercially applied.

SiC – Silicon Carbide membranes for innovative oil-in-water separations
This project investigates the behavior of silicon carbide membranes in pilot trials. These determine fouling, cleaning options, cleaning frequency and the consequences for the long term performance and economics. Test...