With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.
ISPT event
European Energy & Industry Summit 2020
The European Industry & Energy Summit 2020 goes completely online! We make a virtue of necessity and broadcast the summit at the 8th and 9th of December from Amsterdam and...
ISPT event
Industrie in gesprek (Dutch)
De invloed van de coronacrisis op innovatie in de industrie Donderdag 30 april – 15u00 COVID-19 dwingt iedereen om op andere manieren te werken en heeft grote invloed op de...

ISPT event
NPS17 Online: The Netherlands Process Technology Symposium Webinars
Sustaining the Future – webinar series Every Wednesday in November | 15:00 – 16:30 This year the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium was going to be held at TU Delft on...
Webinar subsidy schemes (Dutch)
Join this webinar to stay up to date with the latest subsidy schemes. TKI Energy and Industry, in collaboration with CO2 Smart Use and TKI New Gas, is organizing this...

ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2020
Looking how to join us? We are making use of Networkapp, where you can attend the program as well as make use of the different network possibilities. Check your inbox...
How can you keep your licence-to-operate?
The tension between the environment and your company is increasing. Join the VEMW and Royal HaskoningDHV meeting and hear how you can keep your license-to-operate!

Industrial heat pumps important for energy transition
My name is Vilborg Guðjónsdóttir, I‘m 29 years old and my research subject is Compression-Resorption Heat Pumps at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).

Entropy production minimization of a CRHP
Compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP) are a promising option to upgrade waste heat from industry.

Absorption of CO2-NH3-H2O mixture in mini-channel heat exchangers
The focus is of this study is on the the absorption process with a CO2-NH3-H2O mixture with Compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP)

UH-20-10 Comparison of Models of NH3-CO2-H2O Mixture
In this final paper of uh-20-10 models for for Calculation of the Thermodynamic Properties and a new fit are compared to the Extended UNIQUAC model.

Wet compression model for entropy production minimization
Compression-resorption heat pumps (CRHP) utilizing wet compression are a very promising option to upgrade waste heat from industry.

Enhanced performance of wet compression-resorption heat pumps by using NH3-CO2-H2O as working fluid
Upgrading waste heat by compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP) has the potential to make a strong impact in industry.
Matchmaking Event TKI Energy and Industry
During this event key parties in the field (ISPT, TNO, WUR) are connected with universities, government and industry. The event focuses on the 7 themes of the MOOI scheme.

R-ACES – FRamework for Actual Cooperation on Energy on Sites and Parks
R-ACES aims to turn high-potential, high-impact industrial clusters into eco-regions with at least 10% reduction in emissions in smart energy.
NAP Contact meeting
NAP is a network of companies in the process industry and aims to strengthen the value chain, consisting of plant owners, engineering firms and suppliers.

Heat Pump Conference 2021
Heating and cooling play a great role in our daily life. However, we use a tremendous amount of fossil fuels for heating and cooling. When changing temperature levels using substantial...

Industriële warmtepompen in Nederland (VERA)
Dit rapport analyseert de mate waarin de industriële warmtepomp op het moment in Nederland wordt gefaciliteerd.
European Industry & Energy Summit 2019
The summit strives to foster ideas, technology, plans & projects to address this challenge by bringing together all relevant parties and expertise from around Europe.

FUSE – FUll ScalE Industrial Heat Pump Using Natural Refrigerants
Supporting the development and success of an industrial heat pump market through the develeopment of a standardized, modular, flexible compression heat pump technology. Incentive High temperature industrial heat pumps are...
The 14th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference.
ICIWHV 2021: International Conference on Industrial Waste Heat Valorisation
ICIWHV aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Industrial Waste Heat Valorisation. It...

LESSON – Oil free compressor for ammonia based high temperature heat pumps
Wet compression allows for close to isothermal conditions during compression resulting in higher compression isentropic efficiencies. It further prevents operation in the superheating zone of the working fluids of heat...

COMPRESORP focuses on upgrading low temperature waste water streams of separation processes with compression resorption heat pumps.

ENCORE – nExt geNeration COmpRession hEat pump
This project demonstrates the enhancement of compression heat pump performance by using a pilot scale test unit.