With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.

Adchem 2021
ADCHEM 2021 will bring together researchers and practitioners from all over the world, to facilitate discussions of recent developments in the control and modeling of chemical, biomedical, and other process...

International Innovation Award for Vepa and Plantics
Hemp chair collection made from hemp fibers and thermoset bio-resin is awarded TheRenewable Material of the Year 2021 Huerth, 21 May 2021 – Furniture manufacturer Vepa and Plantics Superior Natural...

ISPT event
Carbon2Value Final Symposium
Interested to learn how the by-products of steelmaking can be transformed into useful chemicals such as synthetic naphtha or bioethanol? Join the Carbon2Value symposium on the 22nd of June, 13-17 CEST! ...

Making plastics circular: good sorting and broad cooperation are key
What are the promising technologies that could push the transition towards a circular plastics value chain?

ISPT event
Webinar: Recent Developments in Carbon Capture Technologies
Interested to learn more about recent developments in clathrate research as novel carbon capture technology? Join the webinar on the 8th of June, 13h-15h CEST! New carbon capture technique The...

Reducing agricultural waste with Waste2Taste
Waste2Taste aims to reduce agricultural waste by using vegetable waste streams to generate high quality dried powders.

Landbouw van de toekomst “Soms dient zich een idee aan dat elke verwachting te boven gaat”
Hoe ziet de Nederlandse landbouw er in de toekomst uit?

Experts ISPT nemen eiwittransitie onder hun hoede
Een circulair landbouwsysteem vraagt om een eiwittransitie. Het programma Fascinating wist deze 4 inhoudelijke experts aan zich te binden.

The scientific progress in mechanical recycling of polymers
What are key examples of current scientific progress in mechanical recycling of polymers in Western Europe?

InReP: technology for high quality recycled plastics
Concerted action to tackle plastic waste and ensure its recycling The Circular Plastics Initiative aims to make plastics fully circular. To achieve this, it brings together organisations from every phase...

Researchers of the first project in the Circular Plastics Initiative
At the Circular Plastics Initiative (CPI), we work towards a fully circular value chain, from production and use via collecting and sorting towards re-use and recycling. Our researchers are important...

“I am looking forward to develop new ideas that can be soon applied in large-scale used plastics management”
My name is Hamid Gilvari and I was born in 1987 in Iran. I am working at the Delft University of Technology as a Postdoctoral Researcher which is part of...
Masterclass Financing spring 2021 (Dutch)
Are you a start-up or small and medium-sized company in the energy sector? And are you looking for the financing instrument that best suits your company? After several successful editions,...
Nieuwe installatie draagt bij aan sluiting van de circulaire koolstofketen
ArcelorMittal, Dow Benelux en Tata Steel hebben een gezamenlijke uitstoot van ruim 20 miljoen ton CO2 per jaar. Door deze te verminderen kunnen zij een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan de...

Improving the recycling process: the need of working from an end market perspective
What are the design challenges in making plastic packaging more recyclable? What steps need to be taken to develop better defined sorting streams? Read more about the third conference day...

Recover valuable substances with ReCoVR
As a result of the growing world population, raw materials are becoming increasingly scarce. That is why we want to have a circular economy in 2050 in which all raw...

A long way to go to achieve a fully circular system
The Circular Plastics Conference 2021 offers a series of online sessions, diving deeper into specific subjects. During the second conference day, there were two parallel sessions that went more into...

VEMW verkiezingsdebat over water, energie en klimaat
Op 2 maart van 14:00 – 15:30 uur gaan vier politici in debat over actuele onderwerpen op het gebied van water, energie en klimaat. Dit gebeurt onder leiding van onderzoeker...

4th International Joint CCESG – Conference on Clean Energy and Smart Grid
CCESG 2021 is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field.
Ontbijtsessie: Een schone industrie in 2050. Hoe dan?
Energie Nederland organiseert een reeks ontbijtsessies over het energiesysteem van de toekomst. Op 23 maart van 8.00 tot 11.00 uur staat het onderwerp ‘een schone industrie in 2050’ op het...

Dedicated collaboration is needed in realizing a full Circular Plastics society
Lessons learned at the first session of the Circular Plastics Conference 2021 Last week Thursday the first session of the Circular Plastics Conference 2021 took place. Over 100 participants gathered...

The Circular Plastics Initiative has the possibility to improve the recycling situation in different countries in Europe
My name is Mohamed Hany Abokersh and I am a Sustainability Analyst holding a PhD in Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering from Universitat Rovira i Virgili as a part of...

“Part of my PhD was dedicated to the development of microplastics detection methods”
I am Liron Zada, I am a 38-year-old Postdoc at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I am married with three children, living in the Netherlands for more than 8 years. I...

“My study background and interest have naturally led me to circularity of materials”
My name is Juraj Petrík, I am 26 years old, and my research topic is focused on the circularity of plastics and life cycle assessment (LCA). I was introduced to...