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High temperature cracking for revalorisation of complex waste streams
By using innovative conversion technologies we can convert complex waste streams into valuable chemical products.

Ammonia as a new key actor in energy- and material transition – Part 1 of a threefold story
As the Paris Agreement aims to achieve net zero emissions in the second half of this century, the Dutch government has set a goal to phase out fossil fuels within...

Transforming vegetable waste into premium, natural food ingredients with Waste2Taste
While one-third of all food production goes to waste, food security remains a significant challenge. How can we increase food production without damaging the environment?

PRIDES project yields valuable insights into sustainable pulping
The PRIDES project has gained a wealth of insight into biorefinery and the possibilities for sustainable pulping.

External event
Nationaal Kunststof Congres
Tijdens het event zal de volgende gezamenlijke stap naar een circulaire kunstofketen worden gepresenteerd. Sluit je aan bij de CPI workshop “Sneller innoveren door publiek-private samenwerking”.

Unique innovation programme paves way for energy-neutral and circular process industry in 2050
Long Term Programme is a unique programme in which universities and companies work together to create a sustainable process industry.

Two insights on the PROVE IT project
We spoke with Juraj and Hilbert about PROVE IT: a project that aims to improve the efficiency of CO2-to-methanol production. What are the latest developments within the project?

External event
Circular Plastics NL matchmaking event
This matchmaking morning of the CPNL program is dedicated to the forthcoming calls for 2023.

Greening the ride: ReCYCLE project drives E-bike sustainability
In the new project ReCYCLE we focus on creating durable circular plastic parts for the use of electric bikes. Are you ready to join the ride towards a greener tomorrow?

External event
Solutions Day
COAST, in collaboration with Het Waterlaboratorium and Cirmar, organizes a "Solutions Day!". The theme of this day is the transition to a circular economy, with a focus on plastics and...

External event
Circular Plastics NL 2023: Information Session and Q&A
Are you curious about the latest advancements in the CPNL program and upcoming opportunities? Tune in for an engaging online information session (in English) on August 29 and September 4.

How the process industry could address the scarcity of rare earth elements for a sustainable future
The scarcity of rare earth elements presents substantial challenges to the feasibility of the energy and material transition. To address these issues, a comprehensive approach combining quantitative insight and scenario...

White Paper: the potential for circular carbon in the Dutch industry
The Steel2Chemicals project presents the key findings of the pilot project in a whitepaper. It outlines results, perspectives and a detailed analysis.

Is carbon the problem?
Our Director Business Development, Carol Xiao, wrote a blog for FutureCarbonNL about circular carbon. You can read her contribution below. Carbon is present everywhere in our daily lives, such as...

Waste as a feedstock for the chemical industry
Can waste serve as a feedstock? Boelo Schuur, highlights how the chemical sector can start to make its feedstock more sustainable by converting waste streams.

CPI tackles PMD recycling: “Pyrolysis is not effective”
The CPI has researched effective ways for PMD recycling and explored solutions for the DKR350 recycling challenge.

Irene ten Dam
Program Manager (Circular Carbon, Separations for Circularity)

External event
Resource Wende Conference
What is the European and Dutch strategy in case the desired resource supply cannot be realized, due to planetary boundaries, sustainability challenges, geopolitical tensions and social implications?

External event
Inspiration tour Chemelot and Gulpener
On April 21st, Platform Verduurzaming Industrie organises this year's first live inspiration tour to Limburg's Chemelot and Beer brewer Gulpener.

Less asparagus waste, more taste
Joanne Siccama, researcher from the Waste2Taste project, discovered that the residual flow of white asparagus is very suitable for spray-drying into powder.

“Embrace the complexity of the energy transition”
What is needed in the energy transition? Andreas Ten Cate shares his vision on the transition and dives into the complexity of it all.

“Todays crisis fuels tomorrows transition”
What do we need to activate the energy transition? Annita Westenbroek shares her stance and presents some interesting insights.

Boelo Schuur
Program Director (Separations for Circularity)

“Behavioral change requires a reliable outlook for the future”
John Harinck shares his outlook on the future's sustainable value chains. How can we effectively change behaviour? And what does the industry need?