We work hard on making the industry more sustainable. And we love to tell stories about it.

Liveblog joint ISPT and Port of Rotterdam Conference ’24
This year, the ISPT Conference proudly collaborates with the Port of Rotterdam (PoR). A promising co-production, as the 3 major transitions the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) is working...

From theory to action: Implementing circularity in the Dutch process industry – a threefold story
How can we achieve circularity in the Dutch process industry? What initiatives are already underway and what is the urgency of taking action?

ISPT op TV bij Doe Maar Duurzaam
Tjeerd Jongsma van ISPT is te gast bij TV-programma Doe Maar Duurzaam over de technologiën die nodig zijn voor een circulaire economie.

Material transition: the Dutch opportunity to fast-track a circular Europe – a threefold story
A circular economy maximizes resources and reduces CO2 emissions. How do we achieve a circular process industry and what opportunities does it offer?

Rapport: groene keuzes voor de Nederlandse basisindustrie
De basisindustrie kán in 2050 in Nederland klimaatneutraal en circulair produceren. Dat concludeert het Sustainable Industry Lab (SIL) in een rapport waaraan Paco Rutten, Geoffrey Schouten en Sascha Kersten een...

De Nederlandse sprong naar leiderschap in de waterstofeconomie: vier sleutelfactoren voor succes
Hans van 't Noordende en Carol Xiao delen hun visie over hoe de Nederlandse waterstofambitie van zowel de overheid als het bedrijfsleven succesvol kan worden gerealiseerd.

Clean Ammonia: societal benefits, concerns, and safety demands – part 3 of a threefold story
Our network of industry experts has come together to address the opportunities and barriers of adopting clean ammonia, particularly in terms of public acceptance, safety measures, risks and other critical...

The potential of clean ammonia: new roadmap is published
This report gives a clear overview of potential new value chains for clean ammonia as an energy and hydrogen carrier in the Netherlands, and greater ARRRA region.

High temperature cracking for revalorisation of complex waste streams
By using innovative conversion technologies we can convert complex waste streams into valuable chemical products.

Ammonia’s opportunities for the hydrogen economy – Part 2 of a threefold story
Green hydrogen holds a significant promise in meeting the Dutch industry’s future energy demands. Expectations for the role of hydrogen in the energy transition are high. However, the role of...

Collaboration promotes safety throughout the hydrogen chain
Carol Xiao and Hans van 't Noordende discuss how to navigate safety complexities in hydrogen, promoting safety throughout the hydrogen chain.

What challenge is producing green hydrogen currently facing?
Recap of the Hydrogen Conference 2023: How do we get the hydrogen economy from ambition to action?

Ammonia as a new key actor in energy- and material transition – Part 1 of a threefold story
As the Paris Agreement aims to achieve net zero emissions in the second half of this century, the Dutch government has set a goal to phase out fossil fuels within...

Bridging the gap between academia and industry: creating change with data
How can chemometrics contribute to a more sustainable industry? And how to derive meaningful and accessible information from data?

Safety first: new report sheds light on industrial-scale green hydrogen safety
This report aims to stimulate awareness about required safety levels regarding large-scale green hydrogen production.

Transforming vegetable waste into premium, natural food ingredients with Waste2Taste
While one-third of all food production goes to waste, food security remains a significant challenge. How can we increase food production without damaging the environment?

EPRoTrans enhances energy efficiency in plant-based food production
The transition towards more plant-based ingredients and products holds promise for sustainability goals. However, it is often associated with increased energy use. How can we overcome this challenge?

PRIDES project yields valuable insights into sustainable pulping
The PRIDES project has gained a wealth of insight into biorefinery and the possibilities for sustainable pulping.

DRAGONS Egg: Advancing energy efficiency in spray drying for industry
The energy use in industry due to drying operations is significant, accounting for about 15% of the total industrial energy consumption. How can we advance its energy efficiency?

Fascinating ontvangt SDG Predicaat
SDG Predicaat voor Fascinating: het groene geheim achter onze voedselrevolutie in Groningen.

Unique innovation programme paves way for energy-neutral and circular process industry in 2050
Long Term Programme is a unique programme in which universities and companies work together to create a sustainable process industry.

Two insights on the PROVE IT project
We spoke with Juraj and Hilbert about PROVE IT: a project that aims to improve the efficiency of CO2-to-methanol production. What are the latest developments within the project?

Greening the ride: ReCYCLE project drives E-bike sustainability
In the new project ReCYCLE we focus on creating durable circular plastic parts for the use of electric bikes. Are you ready to join the ride towards a greener tomorrow?

Revolutionary Novel Process Routes (ProFo) demonstrates 50% energy reduction in food processing
The recently conducted Novel Process Routes project has culminated in a significant stride toward sustainable food processing.