Solvent Tolerant Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis membranes for the purification of industrial aqueous streams
To overcome that the presence of solvents in water streams lowers membrane performance hindering their implementation in industry, new solvent tolerant polymer-grafted ceramic nanofiltration membranes were synthesised and tested.

Organic solvent nanofiltration membranes on low cost ceramic supports (COSMOS)
Een significant deel van het energiegebruik in de procesindustrie wordt gebruikt voor scheidingen. Membraantechnologie heeft de potentie om de huidige inefficiënte distillatieprocessen te vervangen of aan te vullen en hiermee...

Comparing the Performance of Organic Solvent Nanofiltration Membranes in Non-Polar Solvents
Several OSN membranes were tested on three industrially relevant model mixtures by 5 different partners.

Deep Eutectic Solvents in the pulp and paper industry
New, mild pulping technologies based on natural Deep Eutectic Solvents lead to a significantly more sustainable process that is energy-, cost- and resource-effective.

Epoxy-based STNF membranes prepared via non-solvent induced phase inversion as novel class of stable membranes
A method of partially crosslinking a polymer solution prior to casting was successful for the preparation of solvent-tolerant nanofiltration membranes.

Whitepaper: extensive wastewater re-use in textile industry
The ECWRTI Consortium has charted the prospects of the EColoRO concept for extensive wastewater re-use in textile industry.

Report: ECWRTI Life Cycle Assessment
The ECWRTI project sets a leading industrial example by demonstrating the scale-up of the EColoRO concept in the textile sector.

New Method toward a Robust Covalently Attached Cross-Linked Nanofiltration Membrane
In this research thio-bromo “click” chemistry was adapted for the fabrication of a robust covalently attached and ultrathin nanofiltration membrane.

Regeneration of Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) and valorisation of the fractionated components
This project was about the regeneration of Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) used in the pulping of wood.

Hydrolytic stability of PEG-grafted γ-alumina membranes: alkoxysilane vs phosphonic acid linking groups
Small polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules were grafted on ceramic γ-alumina membranes, by making use of organo-alkoxysilanes or organo-phosphonic acids as linking group.

Screening of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) for the fractionation / delignification
In this project we developed a fast screening process to study the delignification capability of novel Deep Eutectic Solvents.

Recovery of lignin from deep eutectic solvents by liquid-liquid extraction
2-MHTF was found as a suitable extractant for lignin recovery from a DES comprised of choline chloride and L-lactic acid.