PINcHED – Process Integrated Heat Pump Drying
The PINcHED project investigates the heat pump process integration for 2 typical drying processes: Convective drying (Huhtamaki use case) and Contact drying (Cosun/Rixona and AVEBE use cases).

LESSON: Oil free compressor for ammonia based high temperature heat pumps (in Dutch)
LESSON doet onderzoek naar high temperature heat pumps. Lees hier het final report van het onderzoek.

COMPRESORP: Upgrading Waste Heat Streams with Wet Compression (in Dutch)
Het doel van dit project was het analyseren, ontwikkelen en experimenteel testen van een prototype compressie-resorptiewarmtepomp voor warmteterugwinning.

CRUISE: Kostenbeparing industriële warmtepompen (in Dutch)
Een optie om energie te besparen in de industrie, is om restwarmte op te vangen en weer opnieuw bruikbaar te maken.

Entropy production minimization of a CRHP
Compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP) are a promising option to upgrade waste heat from industry.

Absorption of CO2-NH3-H2O mixture in mini-channel heat exchangers
The focus is of this study is on the the absorption process with a CO2-NH3-H2O mixture with Compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP)

UH-20-10 Comparison of Models of NH3-CO2-H2O Mixture
In this final paper of uh-20-10 models for for Calculation of the Thermodynamic Properties and a new fit are compared to the Extended UNIQUAC model.

Wet compression model for entropy production minimization
Compression-resorption heat pumps (CRHP) utilizing wet compression are a very promising option to upgrade waste heat from industry.

Enhanced performance of wet compression-resorption heat pumps by using NH3-CO2-H2O as working fluid
Upgrading waste heat by compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP) has the potential to make a strong impact in industry.

Industriële warmtepompen in Nederland (VERA)
Dit rapport analyseert de mate waarin de industriële warmtepomp op het moment in Nederland wordt gefaciliteerd.