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Don’t let waste go to waste
The current system for proving that waste has been recycled into a safe product is difficult to navigate and the requirements for the End-of-Waste status are not clear. How can...

ISPT event
Advanced Distillation Technologies Course 2025
Join the Advanced Distillation Technologies Course 2025 by NPT, ISPT, and TU/e to master biorefinery design and technology. Ideal for PhD students, postdocs, and engineers.

ISPT event
Biorefinery Course 2024
Join the Biorefinery Course 2024 by NPT, ISPT, and TU/e to master biorefinery design and technology. Ideal for PhD students, postdocs, and engineers.

Goal of this project is to develop a library of complementary techniques for concentrating brines beyond reverse osmosis.

Recircanol: Circular recovery of ethanol from alkaline-ethanol media at high pH using membrane technology
This project develops nanofiltration membranes and membrane modules for alkaline-alcohol media at high pH for the purification of ethanol and caustic.

ISPT event
Joint ISPT & Port of Rotterdam Conference ’24
This year, the ISPT Conference proudly collaborates with the Port of Rotterdam (PoR). A promising co-production, as the 3 major transitions we are working on come together in the Port of...

TREPS – Trace Removal Using Electrically Powered Separations
In a circular economy, traces need to be removed to keep the loop clean. TREPS deals with trace removal using electricity.

External event
Solutions Day
COAST, in collaboration with Het Waterlaboratorium and Cirmar, organizes a "Solutions Day!". The theme of this day is the transition to a circular economy, with a focus on plastics and...

External event
NWGD symposium 2023
The Netherlands Working Party on Drying (NWGD) invites you to its annual NWGD symposium on industrial drying on 21 September.

STNF introduces new separation processes to recover clean water from wastewater
The STNF project developed promosing membranes for challenging industrial water/solvent separations, indicating that the STNF membranes can be a real alternative to classical energy-intensive water treatment technologies.

Solvent Tolerant Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis membranes for the purification of industrial aqueous streams
To overcome that the presence of solvents in water streams lowers membrane performance hindering their implementation in industry, new solvent tolerant polymer-grafted ceramic nanofiltration membranes were synthesised and tested.

Renewable Building Blocks from Complex and wet waste Streams (ReBBloCS)
The ReBBloCS project aims to develop new circular value chains for the valorisation of complex and mixed waste streams into valuable chemical products.

External event
Dag van het Klimaatakkoord
On November 3, de Dag van het Klimaatakkoord, we will talk about the road to zero emissions in 2050.

Towards the improvement of steam-water cycles
How to achieve better insights in the distribution and the behavior of conditioning chemicals in the steam-water cycles?

DISCO – Downstream ISolation of high-value COmponents
The Downstream ISolation of high-value Components (DISCO) aims to lower the material use and increase the energy-efficiency.

How our young talents help realizing the energy transition
The energy transition requires well-educated young people to contribute to a sustainable society, such as our trainees. This is their story.

University of Twente: “Striving for a better world”
What are the opportunities and pitfalls in the energy- and material transition. Our valued partner, University of Twente tells us.

CALMEM – Ceramic atomic layer deposited Nanofiltration membranes for separation of challenging industrial streams
Calmem concerns nano manufactured ceramic membranes that can supersede distillation columns for energy saving in the Netherlands.

ReSolve – Re-use of industrial solvent process streams
Ceramic organic solvent nanofiltration membranes with small pore sizes and high throughputs, as compared to polymeric membranes, will be developed by a novel technology.

FO membranes offer new market opportunities, especially for food
The FOMM research shows that an improved FO membrane combined with module configuration offers new market opportunities, especially for the food industry.

ISPT-directeur Tjeerd Jongsma over het belang van samenwerken in de energietransitie
Wat zijn de huidige uitdagingen rondom de energietransitie? ISPT-directeur Tjeerd Jogsma spreekt erover in het Financieel Dagblad (FD).

COSMOS-project leads to an economic break-through in separation processes
The COSMOS-project found that membrane technology has the potential to replace or supplement current inefficient distillation processes.

Introducing Scissors: Super Critical Industrial Solution for Suspended Organic Residual Streams
The SCISSORS-project aims to research and enable the processing of sustainable Residual Streams through super critical water technology.

ISPT event
Sold out: ISPT Conference ’22
The Dutch industry has a major ambition: to be fully sustainable by 2050. But how will the transition be financed? And what investments will contribute to the energy transition?