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Don’t let waste go to waste
The current system for proving that waste has been recycled into a safe product is difficult to navigate and the requirements for the End-of-Waste status are not clear. How can...
Losses and emissions in polypropylene recycling from household packaging waste
In this study the LEMPLAR consortium replicated a typical high-quality post-consumer polypropylene (PP) recycling process to investigate its losses and emissions and study potential improvements.
Materialentransitie vraagt om nieuwe waardeketens
Het project TEXPOWER omvat een uniek consortium van bedrijven dat de hele waardeketen van polykatoen vertegenwoordigt. Samen zetten ze zich in voor een circulaire waardeketen.
Volatile organic contaminants in HDPE milk bottles along the mechanical recycling value chain, revealing origins and contamination pathways
To progress towards closed-loop recycling of plastic packages, it is vital to understand the origin of contaminants and to develop effective mitigation strategies. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) milk bottles were sampled...
Strategies to enhance the circularity of non-bottle PET packaging waste based on a detailed material characterisation
The circularity of non-bottle PET packaging remains a challenge to improve. This article discusses several ways to enhance the recyclability of various PET tray products.
Hoe kunnen we complexe verduurzamingsprocessen vereenvoudigen (podcast)
Hoe kunnen we complexe verduurzamingsprocessen vereenvoudigen? Dat besprak Ron Lemmens met Tjeerd Jongsma, Klaartje Rietkerken en Andreas ten Cate die te gast waren bij Let's Talk Business, een programma van...
De route naar circulariteit met koolstof als hoofdrolspeler
Kees Biesheuvel en Irene ten Dam leggen uit waarom koolstof de verbindende schakel kan zijn tussen de energie- en materialentransitie.
Brusche Process Technology: “CO2 is not merely a waste material”
At Brusche Process Technology, they focus on techniques to capture and process CO2, converting it into an alternative carbon feedstock. As a father and engineer, Andy Roeloffzen is driven to...
ISPT event
Circular Plastics Conference 2024
Join us for the 4th open Circular Plastics Conference 2024 of the Circular Plastics Initiative (CPI) at the Jaarbeurs MeetUp in Utrecht on the 26th of September.
Afval afbreken en opbouwen als lego
Binnen ReBBloCS wordt gezocht naar manieren om reststromen die nu nog afval zijn om te zetten in grondstoffen voor de chemische industrie, in biobrandstoffen en in biobased plastics.
Energie- en grondstoffentransitie gaan hand in hand
Wél duurzaam leven maar níet inboeten aan comfort. De Nederlandse procesindustrie kan hierin een hoofdrol vervullen door zich te richten op circulariteit, waarbij energie- en grondstoffentransitie hand in hand gaan.
Circular plastics: past progress and future horizons
Overview of projects and achievements for international leadership in the production of sustainable plastics by the Circular Plastics Initiative (CPI).
Material change across industry, government, and society – a threefold story
Material change necessitates a socio-economic transformation with new roles for industry, government and society within this transformative process. Laura de Vries and Derk Loorbach explain how.
From theory to action: Implementing circularity in the Dutch process industry – a threefold story
How can we achieve circularity in the Dutch process industry? What initiatives are already underway and what is the urgency of taking action?
ISPT op TV bij Doe Maar Duurzaam
Tjeerd Jongsma van ISPT is te gast bij TV-programma Doe Maar Duurzaam over de technologiën die nodig zijn voor een circulaire economie.
Material transition: the Dutch opportunity to fast-track a circular Europe – a threefold story
A circular economy maximizes resources and reduces CO2 emissions. How do we achieve a circular process industry and what opportunities does it offer?
External event
CHEMREC I – 2024: 1st International Conference on Thermochemical Recycling of Plastics
During this event, co-organized by Sascha Kersten (University of Twente & ISPT) the focus will be on advancing chemical recycling technologies for plastic waste.
De Nederlandse sprong naar leiderschap in de waterstofeconomie: vier sleutelfactoren voor succes
Hans van 't Noordende en Carol Xiao delen hun visie over hoe de Nederlandse waterstofambitie van zowel de overheid als het bedrijfsleven succesvol kan worden gerealiseerd.
External event
Future of Polyolefins 2024
During this event Ronald Korstanje and Geoffrey Schouten will share all the lessons learned on recycling methods in the polyolefins industry, based on their experience within the Circular Plastics Initiative.
ISPT event
Joint ISPT & Port of Rotterdam Conference ’24
This year, the ISPT Conference proudly collaborates with the Port of Rotterdam (PoR). A promising co-production, as the 3 major transitions we are working on come together in the Port of...
High temperature cracking for revalorisation of complex waste streams
By using innovative conversion technologies we can convert complex waste streams into valuable chemical products.
Ammonia as a new key actor in energy- and material transition – Part 1 of a threefold story
As the Paris Agreement aims to achieve net zero emissions in the second half of this century, the Dutch government has set a goal to phase out fossil fuels within...
Transforming vegetable waste into premium, natural food ingredients with Waste2Taste
While one-third of all food production goes to waste, food security remains a significant challenge. How can we increase food production without damaging the environment?
PRIDES project yields valuable insights into sustainable pulping
The PRIDES project has gained a wealth of insight into biorefinery and the possibilities for sustainable pulping.