Use case: Lerende steen
MachineLearning for Advanced Process Control for Furnaces

Toolkit: Hands on Tool Time (HoTT)
The Hands-on-Tool Time Toolkit provides insight into the lost time and enables the improvement of workprocesses.

COMPRESORP: Upgrading Waste Heat Streams with Wet Compression (in Dutch)
Het doel van dit project was het analyseren, ontwikkelen en experimenteel testen van een prototype compressie-resorptiewarmtepomp voor warmteterugwinning.

Power to Ammonia 2017
In this project we studied the storage of electricity in ammonia (NH3).

CRUISE: Kostenbeparing industriële warmtepompen (in Dutch)
Een optie om energie te besparen in de industrie, is om restwarmte op te vangen en weer opnieuw bruikbaar te maken.

Screening of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) for the fractionation / delignification
In this project we developed a fast screening process to study the delignification capability of novel Deep Eutectic Solvents.

Whitepaper: Using SAM4 to help drive sustainable industry
SAM4 is a predictive maintenance system that helps maximize asset uptime by detecting developing faults up to 5 months ahead.

Recovery of lignin from deep eutectic solvents by liquid-liquid extraction
2-MHTF was found as a suitable extractant for lignin recovery from a DES comprised of choline chloride and L-lactic acid.

Whitepaper on Artificial Intelligence: a European approach to excellence and trust
This White Paper presents policy options to enable a trustworthy and secure development of AI in Europe, in full respect of the values and rights of EU citizens.

Entropy production minimization of a CRHP
Compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP) are a promising option to upgrade waste heat from industry.

Absorption of CO2-NH3-H2O mixture in mini-channel heat exchangers
The focus is of this study is on the the absorption process with a CO2-NH3-H2O mixture with Compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP)

UH-20-10 Comparison of Models of NH3-CO2-H2O Mixture
In this final paper of uh-20-10 models for for Calculation of the Thermodynamic Properties and a new fit are compared to the Extended UNIQUAC model.

Wet compression model for entropy production minimization
Compression-resorption heat pumps (CRHP) utilizing wet compression are a very promising option to upgrade waste heat from industry.

Enhanced performance of wet compression-resorption heat pumps by using NH3-CO2-H2O as working fluid
Upgrading waste heat by compression resorption heat pumps (CRHP) has the potential to make a strong impact in industry.

HyChain 3: Analysis of the current state and outlook of technologies for production of hydrogen
Research collected into 59 fact sheets on technologies for production, conversion, storage, transportation, and reconversion of hydrogen.

HyChain 2: Cost implications of importing renewable electricity, hydrogen and hydrogen carriers in the Netherlands
This report focusses specifically on the cost implications of importing renewable electricity, hydrogen and hydrogen carriers into the Netherlands.

HyChain 1: Energy carriers and Hydrogen Supply Chain: Assessment of future trends in industrial hydrogen demand and infrastructure
This study explores the possible future role of hydrogen in different end-use sectors in the Netherlands with a focus on industrial demand.

Summary of HyChain 1, 2 & 3
Summary of 3 reports on how the hydrogen-based supply chains will come about and can play a role in the economy of the Netherlands.

Industriële warmtepompen in Nederland (VERA)
Dit rapport analyseert de mate waarin de industriële warmtepomp op het moment in Nederland wordt gefaciliteerd.