In Groningen, ISPT is shaping the agricultural landscape: a circular system that brings sustainability, nature, healthy food and positive economic impact together. This program is called Fascinating.
Fascinating is an open innovation platform that connects farmers with industry, knowledge institutes and governments. The main goal of this program is to realize a circular agricultural system that supports a healthy diet, is balanced with nature and helps a farmers business model thrive.
Fascinating: the future of agriculture
We take a system-wide approach, looking at the entire value chain—from healthy soils to the consumer’s plate. We believe the key lies in the production and processing of high-quality, plant-based proteins from various sources. This means Groningen will introduce a fourth ‘crop’ alongside sugar beets, potatoes, and grain. The result? A stable income for farmers, high-quality nutrition for people, and a vital contribution to biodiversity in nature.
But the opportunities don’t stop there. Creating value from residual streams or introducing a fourth crop presents new business opportunities—but so does generating energy on the farm. In recent years, the production of renewable energy on agricultural land, through wind, solar, or digestion, has grown significantly. Yet, a large untapped potential remains. Fascinating explores the opportunities and possibilities for on-farm energy production.

Why is the future of agriculture in Groningen?
Fascinating is short for Food Agro Sustainable Circular Nature Technology in Groningen. Why Groningen? Because Groningen offers a unique combination of ingredients that can shape the future:
- Available agricultural land
- A large-scale industrial infrastructure for biomass processing
- Access to sustainable energy
- Leading knowledge institutions
- A well-developed chemical industry

The four pillars of Fascinating
With Fascinating, we are building new value chains. The agriculture of the future produces high-quality, nutrient-rich crops, operates sustainably and circularly, cultivates healthy soils, and strengthens farmers’ earning potential.
To achieve this, the Fascinating program focuses on four key challenges:
1. Healthy and Balanced Nutrition
We are shifting the focus from quantity to quality. How do we translate a healthy diet into our agricultural system? What are consumer expectations? Learn more about Healthy and Balanced Nutrition.
2. Sustainable Production of Nutritional Crops
We define quality in terms of both nutritional value and economic viability. How can we align food production with nature, without CO₂ or nitrogen emissions? Learn more about the Sustainable Production of Nutritional Crops.
3. Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Processing
Current processing methods lead to a significant loss of nutrients. By upgrading existing technologies and developing new ones, we aim to retain these essential nutrients. Learn more about Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Processing.
4. Utilising Residual Streams
After processing agricultural products, residual streams remain—such as cellulose, soil, and manure—that are unsuitable for human or animal consumption. We will use these streams in a circular way: as feedstock for the chemical industry or as an energy source. Learn more about Utilising Residual Streams.
Collaboration with Nationaal Programma Groningen
In Fascinating the 4 biggest agrifood corporations (Agrifirm, Avebe, Cosun and FrieslandCampina) joined forces with the Province of Groningen and Nationaal Programma Groningen. Together with research- and knowledge institutes like Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, Maastricht University, Wageningen University and NIZO, combined with multiple organizations in the food-, chemical-, and energy business, we shape the future of the agricultural landscape.
Fascinating betekent toekomstperspectief voor de boeren en omvat de hele keten van boer tot consument
Nienke Homan – Gedeputeerde van de provincie Groningen (2020)
Fascinating actively invites organizations and societal stakeholders to participate. To get involved, please contact Tjeerd Jongsma.
ISPT Podcast
In de derde aflevering van de ISPT-podcast “Zo gemakkelijk verduurzamen we (niet)” duiken we in de uitdagingen en oplossingen voor de Nederlandse landbouwtransitie. Samen met Marjan Minnesma (Urgenda) en Frans Keurentjes (boer en voorzitter van de Raad van Toezicht van Fascinating) bespreken we de weg naar een duurzaam en circulair landbouwsysteem dat natuur, economie en gezond voedsel in balans brengt.