With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.
ISPT event
ISPT online course Molecular Affinity Separations
The famous ISPT course is back in 2021, on March 10, 18, 24, and 31. During this course several affinity separation techniques will be discussed by teachers from University of...
Course Process Technology for non-Process Technologists (3 days)
Are you active in the process industry, but lacking a process-technological background? Would you like to understand what methods the process engineers are using to design and optimize the processes...
European Industry & Energy Summit 2019
The summit strives to foster ideas, technology, plans & projects to address this challenge by bringing together all relevant parties and expertise from around Europe.
Sustainability in Movement
Springtij and ABN AMBRO are organizing one free training day (in Dutch) from Youfacilitate in directly applicable methods and techniques to create more change and work together smarter.
ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2019
How can we implement a circular industry in all sectors? The ISPT Conference is the annual gathering of the ISPT network. This year’s theme is circularity, a booming term in...
Strengthening the competitive power with Smart Maintenance Skills Lab
Thanks to a boost of new methods and technologies, Smart Maintenance concepts strengthen the competitive power of companies and have the ability to create new business. To do so, Smart...
Monitoring innovation with key performance indicators in quadruple helix collaboration
A thesis on Quadruple Helix (QH) collaborations for the project RiConfigure I am Anne Noordenbos, I study Food Technology at the Wageningen University and Research (WUR). I chose the master...
Serious Games: Developing a standardized evaluation model to test its effectivity
I’m Florine Kroes, master student Food Innovation and Management at Wageningen University (WUR). I came in contact with the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology via the thesis coordinator of the...
From sewage sludge to raw materials
Process technology students learn about circularity first hand On Friday April 5th the ISPT Process Technology Talent Program (PTTP) students visited the ‘Energie en Grondstoffenfabriek’ in Amersfoort. One of the...
Artificial Intelligence in the Industry
SAAI project researches social acceptance of AI in Industry Artificial Intelligence and Smart Solutions are already all around us. Systems can work autonomously and more efficient when Intelligent Systems are...
ISPT joined in discussion with European social partners about digital transformation in the European chemical industry
Preliminary research results show that job transformations are more likely than job reductions for the chemical, pharmaceutical, rubber and plastics industry. While workforce in some company divisions is at risk...
Students come up with solution for pollution problem during Energy Innovation Talks
The Top Sector Energy challenges the new generation to develop innovative ideas about the energy transition with the Energy Innovation Talks (EIT). Recent months, 24 selected students and young professionals...
A special day to recognise toptalent during the Granting and Graduation event
The strength of the combination student, industry and academia was palpable during the Granting & Graduation event on Wednesday the 15th of November in the Utrecht Railway museum. ISPT, COAST,...
Universities plead for ‘Technology Agreement’
The Netherlands should cement its ambition of becoming an international leader in technology through a ‘Technology Agreement’, much in the same way as sustainability has been cemented in the ‘Energy...
Students discover circular economy in old swimming pool
The annual ‘Week of Process Technology’ from January 23rd to January 27th enables students to discover the sustainable potential and opportunities in process technology. Young people from across the Netherlands...
New value creation: team work and learning by doing
Organizations need employees that are able to generate business ideas and employees that are able to evaluate the potential success of business ideas. Opportunities and their identification are of significant...
Lancering Green by Choice Green by Design
De project start van het project green by choice green by design heeft de aandacht gevangen van het blad Deal! van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Inkopers (NEVI). De NEVI is...
Free on line course Complex problem solving and innovation available
Starting on October 8th 2014, a massive open online course (MOOC) entitled “Solution and Innovation Skills” will be available on the internet. With the online-course, participants learn how to develop...
PTTP Talents win Magnetic Cooling Campaign!
All talents of the Proces Technology Talent Programme (PTTP) at ISPT participated in groups in the Magnetic Cooling Campaign of Challenge the world of. We are very proud to announce...