
Students discover circular economy in old swimming pool


The annual ‘Week of Process Technology’ from January 23rd to January 27th enables students to discover the sustainable potential and opportunities in process technology. Young people from across the Netherlands are welcomed with open arms by various players in the field of process technology. ISPT will arrange a visit to the company Rotterzwam, a new startup that uses biomass as a start for their edible mushroom production in an old swimming pool.

The students will meet a true example of how the principle of circular economy is put into practice. Coffee waste and coffee peel that otherwise are thrown away or incinerated is now used by Rotterzwam to grow mushrooms. The visit is the finishing activity of a course developed by ISPT focused on circular economy, which kicks off during the week of the Process technology. The course enables students to deepen their knowledge of the circular economy and explore how they can use their skills and vision to help drive circularity further.

“The Rotterzwam-visit is part of the Process Technology Talent Program (PTTP) within ISPT’s Innovation Academy. Within this program various leading partners in process technology open their doors for young talents to discover what happens in the forefront of sustainable process innovation”, explains Frans van den Akker, operational program manager at ISPT. “Rotterzwam is a prime example within the coffee-industry of using tradition waste streams as a valuable resource for other processes”.

Think you know your facts on the circular economy? Then put your knowledge to the test in this circular economy quiz!