We work hard on making the industry more sustainable. And we love to tell stories about it.
1.6 million for ‘greening’ of production
Production processes in the chemical industry can be greener: with less energy and less waste. This requires better understanding of the production processes. Theoretical and experimental research in Eindhoven, Twente...
Shortage of engineers inhibits activity
November 11, 2014 © Het Financieele Dagblad FD Gazelle in Zeeland see bottlenecks in the labor market, but prices approach to infrastructure. Read the entire article here
Herman Wijffels Innovation Award winners 2014 announced
Condi Food in Leiden, Flowid in Eindhoven and District Business Bilgaard in Leeuwarden, the winners of the Herman Wijffels Innovation Award 2014 (INNOPRIJS). The audience prize goes to the Maxim...
NPS14 opens her doors tomorrow
Only a few more hours and the doors to NPS14 will open! We are looking forward to welcome you tomorrow at DeFabrique and enjoy an exciting programme full of exciting...
Groningse investeringssteun voor procesindustrie en procesinnovatie
Vanaf 15 oktober a.s. kunnen bedrijven investeringssteun aanvragen voor projecten in de Eemsregio en de campus de Zernike campus van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. De investeringssteun kan oplopen tot 15% met...
Doekle Terpstra reikt toptalenten certificaat uit en belooft hen nu al een baan
De talenten van het Proces Technologie Talent program ontvingen 30 september tijdens de Industrial processing beurs hun deelname certificaat. Het HBO talenten programma PTTP biedt de top HBO studenten van...
CoRIAC- project pilot installations for a new type of reactor are installed
CoRIAC- project starts delivering positive results: pilot installations for a new type of reactor are installed The CoRIAC-project as part of the research program in Action Plan Process Intensification that’s...
Lancering Green by Choice Green by Design
De project start van het project green by choice green by design heeft de aandacht gevangen van het blad Deal! van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Inkopers (NEVI). De NEVI is...
Hoogewerff Stimuleringsprijs 2014 toegekend aan dr.ir. Kirsten Steinbusch
De Hoogewerff Stimuleringsprijs is de 3-jaarlijkse prijs van de Stichting Hoogewerff-Fonds ter stimulering van innovatief en baanbrekend werk op het gebied van de procestechnologie in Nederland. De Hoogewerff Stimuleringsprijs 2014...
Free on line course Complex problem solving and innovation available
Starting on October 8th 2014, a massive open online course (MOOC) entitled “Solution and Innovation Skills” will be available on the internet. With the online-course, participants learn how to develop...
Redefining Research – the agenda
ISPT redefines and recalibrates her research agenda. We have asked our partners as well as parties not yet affiliated with ISPT to actively participate in this process. After receiving a...
Diversity in open innovation teams: ISPT projects subject of research by TUE
Open innovation R&D teams are formed from team members coming from all joining organizations joining in the project. This brings forth high levels of diversity in the team, not just...
Interview Tjeerd Jongsma: Procestechnologie moet duurzaamheid gaan realiseren
De procestechnologie heeft de taak om duurzaamheid naar daadwerkelijke acties te vertalen. “Duurzaamheid biedt enorm veel kansen. Het grootste deel van de Nederlandse procesindustrie is opgezet toen energie quasi niks...
The First Global View on the Progress of Clean Vehicle Technology
Global Smart Grid Federation Releases Report on Large-Scale Rollout of Electric Vehicles The Global Smart Grid Federation (GSGF) today released a state-of-the-art overview of the international developments in electric vehicles....
TU Delft Process Technology Institute announces the 2014 Jacobus van ‘t Hoff Lecture
‘Flow chemistry: Development, Optimization, and Scaling’ by Klavs F. Jensen (Warren K. Lewis Professor and Head of the Chemical Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) Date and venue...
EU and Industry Partners Launch €3.7 Billion Investments in the Renewable Bio-based Economy
Brussels, 9 July 2014 – EU and industry leaders have today launched a new European Joint Undertaking on Bio-based Industries (BBI). The aim is to trigger investments and create a...
PTTP Talents win Magnetic Cooling Campaign!
All talents of the Proces Technology Talent Programme (PTTP) at ISPT participated in groups in the Magnetic Cooling Campaign of Challenge the world of. We are very proud to announce...
Economy of Chain with Factories in Containers
The realization of factories the size of shipping containers allows for new business models other than the “Economies of Scale” business model traditionally applied in the chemical industry. One of...
BioBased Economy Event ‘Verbinden AGRI en CHEMIE’
New demo-regulation energy innovation
On the 1st of July the Demonstration regulation Energy Innovation (Demonstratieregeling Energie-innovatie) is expected. The budget for 2014 is 25 million euro, rising to 35 million euro in 2015 and...
Requested | innovative, energy saving technology
Proposals for financial support of large scale pilot/demonstration projects can be submitted until the 1st of November. Support can run up to € 4 million per project. More information can...
Examples of ISPT open innovation
Overview running projects Results of techno projects Scientific publications SME Portal Process Technology Talent Program
FET Open – A Horizon 2020 opportunity
Do you have a visionary idea with revolutionary potential that you would like to work on? Do you see opportunities for new research that may bring the next generation of...
ISPT- NL GUTS technopartner HeatMatrix attracts 2,4M investments
The future of technology supplier HeatMatrix looks very bright. The small enterprise, that recently succesfully completed an ISPT-NL GUTS technology demonstration project, has attracted 2,4M of new investments. Dutch newspapers...