The Engineering Business Intelligence (EBI) project kicked off! EBI is part of the Industry 4.0 innovation program and aims to take the scope, the quality and the impact of data collection, data analytics and data visualisation to a new level in the process industry. EBI will bring a digital operations and management assistant (DOMA) to the process industry that will predict and thereby reduce the environmental impact of process faults within economically (more) profitable boundaries.
The consortium aims to take the scope, quality and impact of data collection, data analytics and data visualization to a new level in the process industry. We want to use human-centred design methods and replicate and exploit the insights to practitioners and scientists.
Together we discussed the next steps in creating this new, digital method to detect how sub-optimal process operation measured within the process data affects sustainability, quality and economic value of the process to provide input in mitigation and consequently leverage economics with environmental performance.
During the kick-off, ISPT has gathered the EBI consortium, which consist of a wide variety of academia, end-users and technology developers, including Radboud Universiteit, Wageningen University & Research, Avans, Cosun, Dow, Huntsman, ToPerform Smart Solutions, Energy-IO, Vertoro, HAI, RHDHV, WCM, Cinop-ECBO, Mobatec, KPI Solutions, Berry Global, RIWA-Rijn and Comon-Invent.
What is the value of this EBI-project?
What do some of our partners say about joining the EBI-project?
Wageningen University & Research

“We all know that acceptance of these type of digital systems cannot be taken for granted. The workforce oftentimes shows resistance when these systems are implemented. Therefore, Wageningen University (Education and Learning Sciences) wants to investigate how this DOMA can be created together with the workforce to make sure resistance is minimalized. Next we are curious to learn how such a DOMA might influence or even improve the working environment. Finally, we are interested in the extent to which the sustainability claims, which come with this DOMA might foster the workforce’s contribution to the development and implementation process of the DOMA.”
Royal HaskoningDHV
At the moment there is a great importance for the industry to achieve a sustainable way of working, and there is great potential to make a positive impact on the current energy and heat consumption. By using smart data solutions we can make an impact through data collection, data analysis and data visualization. We implement data-driven Artificial Intelligence models to apply advanced process control and smart maintenance. Complex analysis methods increase the potential of raw process data. If enough data is available, these innovations can be used to make predictions on patterns that you will recognize in the future. As a result, you not only achieve profit through continuous process optimization, but also on the predictive possibilities of maintenance and thus reducing downtime. Implementing this new generation of techniques is a major step that we can take together for a sustainable future.”

KPI Solutions

“In the EBI project, we expect to mainly contribute on the end-side of the industry processes. This includes consolidating data from different sources and machines, calculating and visualizing KPI’s and setting up automatic monitoring of these KPI’s that trigger out-of-range notifications. Key in this process is communication with (end) users to understand the technical wishes and translate these wishes into KPI’s. We hope and expect that these approaches will add value to the EBI project, as well as that the project will be valuable to us in terms of meeting companies, getting to know their processes and in the end to make an impact on sustainable process industry.”
HAI smart4industries
“HAI smart4industries participates in the EBI project as an innovative supplier of hai-app: an off-the-shelve cloud software platform for (big) data collection, real-time dashboarding and user-interaction, and data science activities using SAS. Serving leading multinational Food and Chemicals companies in many countries, HAI is recognized as a leading partner for digital transformation for production and quality. Applications from hai-app vary from straightforward data collection and digitization activities to the development and practical application of Advanced Process Control features. The EBI project is a perfect opportunity to co-operate with universities and domain expert suppliers to deliver practical innovative solutions that drive sustainability goals.”


“Cosun sees good prospects in improving the current operations with human-centered data-driven solutions. One of the most alluring parts of the EBI-project, is an anticipated synergy effect from application of different digital solutions with various design methods. We use this to achieve the common goal of higher process efficiencies and lower costs, which will contribute to a healthy performance. It is also very pleasing to Cosun that acceptance of the designed solutions will be increased by paying specific attention to social aspects during design and implementation. We believe that a Digital Operations and Management Assistant (DOMA) designed this way will not only help reaching economic and sustainability targets, but will also create winning people by assisting operators in their daily routine. That is how we think we can make a lasting impact, The Plant Positive Way.”
For more information on the EBI project contact John Harinck.
This project is co-funded by TKI-Energy with the supplementary grant 'TKI- Toeslag' for Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI’s) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.