Geoffrey Schouten is well-versed in many aspects of the industry and its sustainability journey. After completing his MSc in Chemistry at Radboud University, Geoffrey has held various roles. Ranging from consultancy on regulatory compliance and financial (and) risk management, to policy officer on Responsible Care & Sustainability and as project manager sustainability & responsible governance. His current role as a Program Manager at ISPT seems tailor-made for him.
“Now, I find myself in a position where everything comes together. With my broad experience, I have an understanding of the intrinsic drivers and operations of the industry, allowing me to easily grasp the objectives of our diverse partners. This is crucial for streamlining collaboration between the various stakeholders.”
“This position perfectly aligns with my personal beliefs. At ISPT, everything revolves around three keywords: collaboration, innovation, and industry. I firmly believe that only by combining these factors can we find the most optimal solutions for the challenges faced by both industry and society. Collaboration is essential because the issues at hand are too complex for organizations to tackle alone. Innovation is necessary to drive progress and push boundaries.”
Yes we can
Geoffrey Schouten, Program Manager (Circular Plastics, Tekenkamer van de Industrie)
Geoffrey’s responsibilities are with the Tekenkamer van de Industrie, and the Circular Plastics Initiative. A significant challenge that Geoffrey enthusiastically embraces. “In these programs, stakeholders from the full value chain come together. This entails stakeholders from both private and public sectors. In the consortia, it’s not only about the relation between a company and its supplier or customer, but about engaging in genuine dialogue and facilitating real collaboration and optimization over the value chain. Initiating such collaboration, where people truly work together and are committed to it, can be challenging at times, but it motivates me.”
“I believe in giving back to society, which is evident not only within ISPT but also through my volunteer work.” For instance, Geoffrey volunteers at Rabobank, sharing his expertise and insigths. He also coaches his children’s sports team and serves on the parent councils of their schools. Additionally, Geoffrey is active at the cyling club RTC Groenewoud and when he has time left, he is an avid cyclist.