With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.
ISPT event
Webinar – Ensuring Safety in Green Hydrogen: Technical Insights into Industrial Electrolysers and Standardisation
Join us in this free webinar where we will explore the safety considerations and standardisation efforts essential for large-scale green hydrogen production using industrial electrolysers.
GAMBA – Green Alloys Modelling Better Approaches
The GAMBA project seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of the iron and steel industry by transitioning from natural gas to hydrogen-based direct reduction (DRI) processes.
New study on novel electrical layout and converters for GW green hydrogen plant
The consortium of the DC-DC project has completed a feasibility study to explore a (hybrid) electrical layout, incorporating DC and AC connections. The study focuses on developing optimised power conversion...
New electrical layout and converters for GW green hydrogen plant
The Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT), in cooperation with Hitachi Energy and consortium partners Equinor, HyCC, Ørsted, Port of Rotterdam, and Yara, has completed a feasibility study to explore...
HyScaling: Advancing green hydrogen in the energy transition
As the HyScaling project concludes, Andreas Ten Cate reflects on the lessons learned and the results achieved, setting a vision for the next stage of developing a hydrogen economy.
Report on the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
This Greenberg Traurig, LLP (“GT") Report sets out some possible implications of CBAM for the HyScaling Project.
Varieties of industrial policy: the case of upscaling electrolyser manufacturing in Flanders and Germany
This study examined the strategies and approaches to upscale electrolyser production in Flanders and Germany, and the lessons the Netherlands can draw from them.
The public perception of green hydrogen in the Netherlands
This report dives into the Dutch public’s perception of green hydrogen, offering key findings and actionable recommendations for stakeholders and practitioners.
HyScaling Webinar 2: Economic and Public Aspects of Green Hydrogen Production
On the 17th of April we broadcasted our second and final HyScaling webinar. This time we explored the economic and public aspects of green hydrogen production.
Webinar: Economic and Public Aspects of Green Hydrogen Production
During this webinar we explored the economic and public aspects of green hydrogen production.
Next steps towards an autonomous large-scale hydrogen plant
Part of the HyScaling project is to develop an operating strategy for large-scale green hydrogen alkaline water electrolyzer plants. Given a greenfield situation and high labor costs for 24/7 chemical...
HyCC towards a green and safe future economy
In this interview, Victor Salet shares insights into HyCC's collaborative efforts and strategic initiatives aimed at driving sustainability and paving the way for a green and safe future economy.
Webinar: Exploring technological developments in PEM and alkaline water electrolysis
During this webinar we take a deep dive into the technological hydrogen developments.
External event
Hydrogen Tech World
This event will provide a platform for all participants in the global hydrogen production supply chain. Carol Xiao will give a presentation on our HyScaling project.
External event
Sustainable Aviation Futures Congress
Over 600 industry stakeholders from the aviation and energy value chain will come together over three days to discuss SAF strategies, aviation decarbonisation and present real-world case studies.
External event
World Hydrogen 2024 Summit & Exhibition
Access the latest hydrogen policies, discussions and projects at the World Hydrogen 2024.
HyScaling Webinar: Exploring Technological Developments in PEM and Alkaline Water Electrolysis
Discover the technological developments of PEM and Alkaline electrolysis in green hydrogen production shared by experts in our HyScaling webinar.
Ammonia Pipeline Safety
The Clean Ammonia Platform is doing a study on safety design and risk impact of ammonia pipelines to explore ways to safely transport large volumes of ammonia by pipeline in...
New: optimization model for industrial investments and infrastructural needs of hydrogen in the Netherlands
The HyChain project delivered a robust, mathematical optimization model for industrial investments and infrastructural needs in the Netherlands.
HyChain 4: Integral Hydrogen-Based Supply Chain Development
This reports showcases the findings of a three-year innovation project, and provides a deeper understanding of drivers and mechanisms that steer the development of new hydrogen value chains, with a...
External event
Nationaal Congres Waterstofveiligheid
Organised by the Nationaal Waterstof Programma, NLHydrogen and TKI Nieuw Gas. During this event, ISPT will share the most important results & recommendations from our Hydrogen Safety Report.
External event
New Tech, Hydrogen & CCUS
Join us in Berlin where Carol Xiao (ISPT) will give a keynote presentation about Clean Ammonia and its potential for the energy and materials transition.
Verlaag de kosten van waterstofproductie door investeringen in nieuwe meetapparatuur
Nieuwe meetmethodes voor veiligheid en kwaliteit van groene waterstofproductie zullen de kosten verlagen.
ISPT event
HyScaling Webinar Part 2 – Exploring the Economic and Public Aspects of Green Hydrogen Production
Join us for an in-depth exploration of innovations and research advances in the hydrogen landscape. In two webinars we will present the key findings of the HyScaling project.