We work hard on making the industry more sustainable. And we love to tell stories about it.
The CirBind-project: Scaling up the bioresin binder GX to replace toxic binders
Many construction materials such as wood panels contain toxic binders. These binders are persistant pollutants and carcinogenic as they are made of the hazardous formaldehyde-based polymer resins. There is a...
Paper waste as building block for the circular economy
Cell-U-Value project shows how industry can become more carbon neutral. ISPT launched a new project to produce valuable chemicals from paper waste. The Cell-U-Value project will run until October 2022...
Artificial Intelligence in the Industry
SAAI project researches social acceptance of AI in Industry Artificial Intelligence and Smart Solutions are already all around us. Systems can work autonomously and more efficient when Intelligent Systems are...
MSc graduate of the water cluster: Wout van Weert
Wout Van Weert is a 24 year-old Belgian graduate student who studies in Environmental Engineering Technology at Ghent University. He always had had a weak spot for the environment, combined...
FLEXSTEAM: Thermal Energy Storage for Industry
The FLEXSTEAM project, that kicked off on the 24th of January at TNO in Petten, aims to improve the way we can store and re-use thermal energy.

Roller drying with Algea 2.0: higher quality at a lower cost
Roller Drying as a drying method is often applied in the process industry, it is also the preferred option for drying wet algea.
Online Brine Platform Boosts Circular Economy Solutions for Process Industries
ZERO BRINE service offers ‘disruptive’ opportunity in resource management The ZERO BRINE project, which aims to advance circular economy business models by redesigning the value and supply chain of water...
World Economic Forum welcomes Tata-Steel to its community of “Lighthouses”
ISPT Partner Tata-Steel in IJmuiden has been elected to become part of it’s so called “lighthouse community”. These are manufacturing factories that are leaders in the technologies in Industry 4.0. The...
ELS Cluster congratulates PhD Kristianne Tempelman
The ELS cluster proudly congratulates Kristianne Tempelman on receiving her PhD with a dissertation on the Swelling of Thin Polymer Films. The project was a joint NWO/ISPT project and it...
Hydrohub tests sustainable hydrogen technology for industry
Joining forces to get sustainable production of hydrogen off the ground quickly Producing large-scale and CO2-free hydrogen for industrial use in a competitive manner before 2030, that is the mission...
The MFFF-cluster congratulates PhD’s
Concerns several MFFF projects.
ISPT joined in discussion with European social partners about digital transformation in the European chemical industry
Preliminary research results show that job transformations are more likely than job reductions for the chemical, pharmaceutical, rubber and plastics industry. While workforce in some company divisions is at risk...
From wasting valuable resources to a ‘zero discharge’ closed waste water cycle
The Eurydice Project The ‘waste’ in ‘wastewater’ actually contains quite a few valuable resources. Domestic wastewater streams are already treated to recover components like Phosphorus, Nitrogen and cellulose. From drinking...

Towards more sustainable pulping with Deep Eutectic Solvents
Today, at a special conference organised as part of the Paper and Beyond 2018 event in Brussels, the first phase of the PROVIDES project was officially completed. PROVIDES, which stands...

Fine Biofuels: biomass-efficiency by regional pellets from residue streams
This project saves energy for bio-energy boilers because of the increased quality of burned biomass.
New business matchmaking service for brine producers and users
Demonstration workshops at industrial cluster locations ZERO BRINE is a European project that aims to recover and re-use salt and water from brine streams containing organics that result from several...

Innovatieprogramma’s van ISPT spelen centrale rol bij CO2-vrije industrie
Nieuwe innovaties zullen CCS overbodig maken, de industrie geld gaan opleveren en Nederland op de kaart zetten als koploper in duurzaamheid.
Zero Brine project kicked off!
View the first ZeroBrine NEWSLETTER here. A new European project that aims to recover and re-use salt and water from brine streams containing organics that result from several different industrial...
Experts choose interaction as preferred way of learning
Our world is changing around us in such a pace that if we do not continue to grow and develop with it; we will soon be left behind. We all...
VNCI presents Route map 2050 ‘Chemistry for Climate’
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions requires action from chemical industry and government. To achieve an 80% – 95% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050 investments must be made now. Both for...
Kitty Nijmeijer wins Academic Society Award
On the 21st of March the Royal Institute for Engineers (KIVI) will award prog. ir. Kitty Nijmeijer, professor in membrane technology and ISPT affiliate with the Academic Society Award....
Energy Efficient Membrane Based Acetone Recovery
The ‘Energy Efficient Membrane Based Acetone Recovery’ (EEMBAR) project has recently been concluded. Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSN) is an emerging technology that offers the possibility to recover organic solvents from...
This promising technology is advancing fast! New developments in HiGee
Join together in new projects to incorporate it into your production processes The process industry is constantly looking for innovations to reduce production costs, improve product quality and provide competitive...
Minister Wiebes outlines approach to meet climate agreement
The ISPT is happy with the first steps taken to initiate the formation of the climate agreement. In a letter sent to the Dutch house of representatives on February 23rd,...