Plenty of opportunities for large-scale green hydrogen production by means of industrial electrolysis of water exist in the Dutch industrial regions of Rotterdam, the North Sea Canal area, Geleen (Chemelot), Zeeland (North Sea Port) and the northern Netherlands. This follows from the first study results of the Hydrohub GigaWatt Scale Electrolyser project, coordinated by ISPT.

In a webinar held on 30 June, ISPT presented the study revolving around the required space for a gigawatt-scale electrolysis plant, the required infrastructure, and the hydrogen demand at a large number of potential locations. Experts from industry, energy infrastructure and regional government of all five regions contributed to the study. Over the past two years, they convened regularly to map out the possibilities and requirements for gigawatt scale hydrogen production. This is the first time that such an inventory has been carried out on a national scale.
Although the five clusters differ considerably on specific aspects, they all carry potential for large-scale production of green hydrogen. The study shows that a gigawatt hydrogen plant requires about 8 to 17 hectares, depending on the applied technology (alkaline or PEM) and the plot plan for the plant. That much space is available in all five regions. The study underpins the importance of the available infrastructure: For a total of 22 locations the proximity has been mapped to TenneT’s 380 kV electricity grid and Gasunie’s future backbone for the transport of hydrogen. Adding to this, an inventory was carried out of existing industrial facilities for water and gas treatment. Also the possibilities of utilising residual heat from hydrogen production were examined, for example for greenhouse horticulture or district heating networks. Finally, the local industrial need for green hydrogen was identified. More detailed results can be found in the public summary.
Interested to learn more? You can watch the full webinar below:
The Hydrohub GigaWatt Scale Electrolyser project, coordinated by ISPT, aims at bringing water electrolysis for hydrogen production to a scale that matters: the scale of gigawatts.
The recent study maps the context of the 5 industrial regions of the Netherlands. Experts from industry, energy sector, academia and government are also working on an integrated advanced conceptual design of an industrial electrolyser, as well as a further elaboration of the costs and benefits.
Partners are Nouryon, Yara, OCI Nitrogen, Gasunie, DOW Chemical, Ørsted, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, Pronvincie Zuid-Holland, Deltalinqs, Stedin, Gemeente Rotterdam, Havenbedrijf Amsterdam, Provincie Noord-Holland, Smart Delta Resources, North Sea Port, Provincie Groningen, Groningen Seaports, Gemeente Amsterdam, Tata Steel, MTSA Technopower, Frames, TNO, Universiteit Utrecht, TU/e, Imperial College London and ISPT. The project is funded by TKI Energie & Industrie.
Interested in this study? Read the public summary here.
This project is co-funded by TKI-E&I with the supplementary grant 'TKI- Toeslag' for Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI’s) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.