Our team of experts have different backgrounds and disciplines and work together on sustainability.
More about me
Marta Konopinska
Program Officer (Circular Plastics, Industry 4.0)
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Paco Rutten
Program Officer (Circular Plastics, Electric Cracking)
Inez Augustijn
Personal Assistant
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Peter de Jong
Program Director (Fascinating, Drying and Dewatering, Mild Fractionation for Food)
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Carol Xiao
Director of Business Development
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Franka Wijnbergen
Content Specialist
Eelkje Oldenburger
Program Director (Fascinating)
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Andreas ten Cate
Program Director (Hydrogen, Tekenkamer van de Industrie)
Paul de Vos
Program Director (Fascinating)
Jolanda Duits
Finance Officer
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Lia Bouma
Program Administration Coordinator
Frank van Ooijen
Consultant Corporate Communications
Kees Biesheuvel
Program Director (Circular Carbon)
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Rob Stevens
Program Director (Ammonia)
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Irene ten Dam
Program Manager (Circular Carbon, Separations for Circularity)
Jan Sikkema
Program Director (Fascinating)
Myrèse Manshanden
Office Manager
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Nadine Kool
Communications & Events
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Siu Fai Au
Program Manager (Hydrogen)
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Ronald Korstanje
Program Director (Circular Plastics)
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Ton Hulsebos
Patent Attorney & Legal Officer
Sascha Kersten
Program Director (LTP)
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Agata van Oosten
Program Manager (Heat, Fascinating)
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Antonie de Haas
Program Officer (Circular Carbon, Digitalisation)
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Gijs Tubben
Program Officer (Ammonia, Separations for Circularity)
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Tjeerd Jongsma
Managing Director
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Klaartje Rietkerken
Director of Operations
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Hans van ‘t Noordende
Principal Expert
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Boelo Schuur
Program Director (Separations for Circularity)
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Geoffrey Schouten
Program Manager (Circular Plastics, Tekenkamer van de Industrie)
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Annita Westenbroek
Program Director (Heat)
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Anne van der Zwaan
Program Manager (Drying and Dewatering, Mild Fractionation for Food)
Bram Qualm
Program Director (Fascinating)
Our core team is supported by a Supervisory Board and an Academic Advisory Board.
Supervisory Board
The ISPT Supervisory Board consists of appointed representatives of ISPT participants from the process industry, academic partners and SME’s. It supervises the ISPT managing board and provides advice and counsel.
Rob Mudde
TU Delft
Jurgen Hoekstra
Kirsten Steinbusch
Academic Advisory Board
The ISPT Academic Advisory Board guarantees the scientific quality of the activities and programs of ISPT. It consists of professors and academic representatives related to ISPT.
Prof. dr. ir. R. (Ruud) van Ommen
TU Delft
Prof. dr. ir. H.J. (Erik) Heeres
University of Groningen
Prof. dr. ir. RM (Remko) Boom
Wageningen University & Research
Chair, Prof. dr. ir. S.R.A. (Sascha) Kersten
University of Twente
More about me
Paco Rutten
Program Officer (Circular Plastics, Electric Cracking)
“There are quite some challenges to overcome, but this technology can deliver great potential!”
What is the viability of pulsed compression technology for industrial purposes? This is the core of my research for ISPT’s COMPACT project. My name is Yordi Slotboom, I am 26...
New grant for experimental hydrogen test center for open innovation
Hydrogen from renewable power sources plays a key role in the energy transition by reducing CO2 emissions related to industrial activity. Hydrogen is contributing as sustainable industry feedstock as well...
HyScaling – Making better electrolyzers in a better way
HyScaling aims to scale electrolysis capacity up to 5GW by 2030 so the Netherlands can play a key role in the global green hydrogen economy.
ISPT event
M+R, Pumps&Valves and Solids Trade Events
October 6 & 7 | Rotterdam Ahoy Visit thé event for the process industry The processing event consists of three trade shows with a focus on the entire process. Trade...
Euroheat & Power Congress 2021 – Online and Onsite
The Euroheat & Power Congress revolves around the theme of District Energy and aims at providing a unique platform to share, discuss and learn about the various prospects and issues...
VEMW verkiezingsdebat over water, energie en klimaat
Op 2 maart van 14:00 – 15:30 uur gaan vier politici in debat over actuele onderwerpen op het gebied van water, energie en klimaat. Dit gebeurt onder leiding van onderzoeker...
4th International Joint CCESG – Conference on Clean Energy and Smart Grid
CCESG 2021 is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field.
Ontbijtsessie: Een schone industrie in 2050. Hoe dan?
Energie Nederland organiseert een reeks ontbijtsessies over het energiesysteem van de toekomst. Op 23 maart van 8.00 tot 11.00 uur staat het onderwerp ‘een schone industrie in 2050’ op het...
Closing our energy loops with cost-efficient heat storage technology
To achieve a fully circular economy we will have to be able to close our material and also our energy loops. Re-using, storing and upgrading energy is an essential part...
Carbon-free heat processes can be enabled by electrically driven thermoacoustic heat pumps
The industry is a large consumer of energy and about two-thirds of the industry’s energy use is represented by heat. Often high-temperature heat is required, which is currently provided by...
InnovatieExpo 2021
Op de InnovatieExpo 2021 zie je wat ons land allemaal in huis heeft, word je creativiteit geprikkeld en ontmoet je toonaangevende spelers die jouw idee verder helpen.
Webinar verplichting EED energie-audit
Wat heeft u aan een EED energie-audit, wat zijn de alternatieven en hoe kunt u de EED verplichtingen aanpakken? U leert de ins en outs tijdens ons gratis webinar van...
Vakbeurs Energie 2021
Vakbeurs Energie is hét jaarlijkse zakelijke live evenement voor professioneel betrokkenen bij duurzame energieopwekking en -besparing.
Springtij Forum 2021
From September 22th till 24th the Springtij Forum takes place. The forum is an influential meeting place for everyone committed to a sustainable future in the Netherlands.
Electrification in industry
TKI Energy & Industry is developing a roadmap to give direction and speed to electrification in industry. What does electrification mean for large chemical complexes such as Chemelot? And what...
Collaboration as the keyword for electrification in industry
Electrification in industry, or the transition from fossil to renewable electrical energy and the elimination of CO2 emissions: it is easier said than done. The electrification roadmap is a good...
Webinars on sustaining the future
Due to covid-19 the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium (NPS) had to be postponed. But since climate change does not wait, we replaced the event by a series of 4 webinars...
Climate wins at NPS17 Energy Webinar
Due to covid-19 the Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, that was to be held at the TU Delft this year and organized by TU Delft with support of ISPT, had to...
Energy Tech Summit
This exclusive event is bringing the latest developments in energy and mobility convergence theme, debated by global industry leaders across 7 conference tracks.
The ACHEMA World Forum
The ACHEMA World Forum for the Process Industries is the driving force and groundbreaker for the international process industries and their suppliers.
Lessons learned from an oil-free wet compressor
The recently completed LESSON project has identified the sources of losses of an oil-free wet compressor prototype that was built in a previous project.
Dutch National Growth Fund: dare to excel
The Dutch National Growth Fund offers great opportunities for green hydrogen and chemistry.
ISPT event
NPS17 Energy Webinar
Wednesday 4 November, 15.00-16.30 The NPS17 Webinar on Energy creates a platform for experts from various sectors and young process technology researchers to discuss the energy transition, challenges, opportunities and...