Heat integration and storage technologies are rapidly evolving, and it is hard to keep track of the latest innovations. Making the translation to your company’s industrial processes is difficult, as well as convincing management that heat pumps are a smart alternative. To provide baggage and knowledge ISPT, in collaboration with project 6-25, organised a Technology Carrousel.
When you browse the internet for information about heat integration and storage technologies, you find some general information about specific technologies, for example storage capacity, efficiency, or required power. But translating this into your company’s industrial processes is hard. Therefore ISPT, in collaboration with project 6-25, organised a Technology Carrousel where suppliers of state-of-the-art technology pitched their technology by means of a use case example, followed by an interactive discussion.

Which heat technology really works?
During this well focused event it turned out a lot is happening in the field of heat driven processes. There are many technological options, and it is important to share this knowledge in times where high prices are a drive to energy efficiency. According to Agrifirm: “It is interesting to see the answers of this generation. There are thousands of innovations within the heat pump world. As an engineer you must convince management, which is difficult because they still think heat pumps are out of question. It is great to pick up knowledge through these sessions that help you convince management that heat pumps are an attractive alternative.” A visitor also said: “It was interesting to immerse myself in the field again after several years. I see a lot has happened.”
These sessions convince management that heat pumps are an attractive alternative
This interactive approach offered in-depth information. “This approach helped us to show that our technologies are really working. People usually only believe you when they see that your technology is already implemented within a certain company,” says an employee from MAN Energy Solutions. This approach was also well appreciated by the visitors, one mentioned: “The proven cases presented here, were a big plus for me.”
Matchmaking and knowledge sharing
But not only the end users were interested, also other companies came to listen to the case presentations of others. ANEO: “Not out of competitor ship, but to learn what is available in the market and share that knowledge with their customers.” And that was exactly where this Technology Carrousel was organised for: sharing knowledge and facilitate a matchmaking between providers and end users.
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Good to meet real prospects, a very good and focused event
Kyoto Group
This project is co-funded with subsidy from the Topsector Energy by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.