
Share your opinions on the risks and opportunities of AI


Almost unnoticed, an unprecedented revolution is currently taking place: the development and application of artificial intelligence (AI).

More concretely, one can think of autonomous driving vehicles, robotization in healthcare, assisted living for elderly, self-organizing production lines in the industry, or the rise of smart cities. Artificial intelligence will bring major breakthroughs in our society, which can lift our prosperity and well-being to an entirely new level.

However, the story is not only bright and shining: the introduction of artificial intelligence also includes numerous risks.

To raise awareness for these risks, the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) created a game, which invites you to think about the potential risks and to brainstorm on ways to handle these risks in your organization. And in Corona times, we made the game corona proof: online!

The latter was quite a challenge. Interactions online are often less fluent than offline. Still, we found a new concept. To test this concept, we asked students of the Wageningen University (WUR) to try out the game. As a result we had a successful one-hour in depth discussion on risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence. And while doing so, we had a lot of fun.

The success encouraged us to add the SAAI game to our toolbox. If you want to receive additional information on the game, do not hesitate to contact us via the email address below.

We invite you to play the game with your colleagues. It is time to share your opinions on the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence.

Contact us at


This project is co-funded with subsidy from the Topsector Energie by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.