Join us for an in-depth exploration of innovations and research advances in the hydrogen landscape. After nearly three years of intensive research, the ISPT HyScaling project is coming to an end, marking a journey that brought about unexpected yet highly valuable results for the Dutch Hydrogen economy. In two webinars we will present the key findings of this journey within the HyScaling project. We will lay out our vision for the future, describe the numerous challenges along the way that we have overcome, and the solutions that brought about innovative and valuable results.
The second webinar will be held on Wednesday 17 April 2024. During this second and final webinar we will delve further into the outcomes of the HyScaling project, this time with a specific focus on the green hydrogen applicability studies and the use cases. Join us for this free webinar by registering using the button below. Please note that the webinar will be held in Dutch. The video with English subtitles will be published afterwards.
HyScaling: Making better electrolysers in a better way
Even though the Netherlands has a well-performing high-tech industry, currently there is no value chain in place that is capable of realizing the large-scale ‘hydrogen factories’ required for this transition. What’s more, the cost of hydrogen produced with current state-of-the-art electrolyser technology is too high to be competitive. The HyScaling project was set out to improve all this and thus take the Netherlands to the next level of green hydrogen production.
For who is the HyScaling webinar?
These webinars will be interesting for anyone involved or interested in the hydrogen value chain and hydrogen technology. This includes stakeholders of existing ISPT consortia but also knowledge institutes, industrial parties, end users, as well as policymakers aiming to gain relevant insights.
For the second HyScaling webinar we welcome Evelien Pingen (Operations Engineer at HyCC), Melanie Klöster (Behavioural researcher energy transition at TNO), Roel Reinders (Regional Manager at Perfact Group), Esben Sørensen (Sr. Director, Global Market Development at Plug Power) and Arend de Groot (Senior Consultant at TNO). Carol Xiao, Director Business Development of ISPT, will be hosting the webinar.
Date and time
- Webinar 1: 6 March, 10.30-12.00 – watch the subtitled version here
- Webinar 2: 17 April, 10.30-12.00 – live event (in Dutch)
Register for this webinar using the button below. The link will take you to an external webpage of Studio 24, this is our webinar host.
Please note that the webinar will be held in Dutch. The video with English subtitles will be published afterwards.
If you have any questions, please contact Marleen Roozen: