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Carbon2Value Final Symposium


Interested to learn how the by-products of steelmaking can be transformed into useful chemicals such as synthetic naphtha or bioethanol? Join the Carbon2Value symposium on the 22nd of June, 13-17 CEST

The world is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate climate change, while increasing welfare globally. By transforming towards a circular carbon economy, we can ensure all three. 

Transition towards carbon neutrality 

The European project Carbon2Value usefully repurposes the by-products of steelmaking that would be emitted otherwise. Through carbon capture and utilization, we will transition towards carbon neutrality by 2050, together. 

Final symposium 

In the final symposium on June 22 we will finalize the 5-year Carbon2Value project and discuss the outcomes of pilot studies carried out by ArcelorMittal, DOW Chemicals and LanzaTech. Key representatives will describe how their collaboration has led to two novel processing routes, which include steel gas separation technologies and carbon valorisation towards synthetic naphtha or bioethanol. Besides the techno-economic outcomes, the results of environmental impact analyses are shared as well.



13:00 – 13:30

Welcome, intro into C2V project

Wim van der Stricht (ArcelorMittal)
Eric de Coninck (ArcelorMittal)
Andreas ten Cate (ISPT)

Part 1:

13:30 – 13:50

Results CO2-capture pilot plant

Matthijs Ruitenbeek (DOW)

13:50 – 14:10

Results CO to ethanol conversion tests

Melvin Moore (LanzaTech)

14:10 – 14:25


14:25 – 14:45

PSA set-up

Kristof Verbeeck (ArcelorMittal)


14:45 – 15:00

Panel, Q&A:
Matthijs Ruitenbeek (DOW)
Melvin Moore (LanzaTech)
Wim van der Stricht (ArcelorMittal)
Kristof Verbeeck (ArcelorMittal)

Andreas ten Cate (ISPT)

Part 2:

15:00 – 15:15

LCA’s: from steel gas to naphtha & ethanol

LCA experts DOW & ArcelorMittal

15:15 – 15:30

Techno-economic Assessment   

Wim van der Stricht (ArcelorMittal)

15:30 – 15:45

Panel, Q&A:
LCA experts
Wim van der Stricht (ArcelorMittal)

Andreas ten Cate (ISPT)

15:45 – 16:00


Part 3:

16:00 – 16:30

C-level discussion

Andreas ten Cate (ISPT)

Executives of DOW (Anton van Beek), ArcelorMittal (Manfred van Vlierberghe) and LanzaTech (Babette Pettersen) join in a panel discussion with Tomas Wyns, Lieven Top (EU and Flemish policy makers) and professor Korneel Rabaey from the University of Ghent.  

16:30 – 17:00

Wrap-up, lessons learned, key takeaways, next steps

Wim van der Stricht (ArcelorMittal)
Andreas ten Cate (ISPT)

The Carbon2Value project has received funding from the Interreg 2 Seas programme 2014-2020 co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under subsidy contract Carbon2Value2S01-094.